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Attain Knowledge

Type: General • Action: Standard • Range: Personal • Duration: Instant • Cost: 2-5 points per rank

You are able to gain knowledge even if it is normally impossible to discover by mortal means. You source of information (as determined by descriptor) will answer correctly and honestly or state that it doesn't know. It is a good idea to have a source that is nearly omniscient so to reduce the amount that it doesn't know. When you obtain this power choose one of the following options to determine cost per rank. The first three types (2-4 points per rank bases) can only determine location however the same model can be used with the Gamemaster's approval if you want a kind of knowledge that requires some other knowledge as a base. Any location determined is very accurate so much so that the location is now considered "well-known" to you even if you've never been there. The locational information is accurate to a 3 foot radius (see Precise modifier for the exact location). The information is not updated during travel (not even the distance), for that you have to use the power again. The locational information attained provides a direction, distance, and location name (country, city, address, etc) but not how to get there. You know which direction was indicated even if you don't know which way is North etc. Although the knowledge does not have a duration you may forget it as normal.

When you obtain this power choose one of the following options to determine cost per rank:

2 points: You can locate anything that is well known and any location by name. The former is used for determining distance, direction, or name for places such as anywhere you've been that you can remember well or for the place you currently are. The latter (any location by name) is useful for teleporting so that you can go there by only knowing the name.

3 points: You can locate either any person by name or any object. The locational information will tell you the name of where the target is but will not tell you any more about the target such as full legal name. Since objects are often not unique you will get the location of the closest one that fits the description.

4 points: You can locate anything desired. You are not required to know anything about it and may find things such as "the nearest hero with heat vision" or "the person guilty of this crime".

5 points: You gain the answer to any question you ask. No longer limited to location you may learn anything at all. You do not need to use questions to gain knowledge but that is the standard. How much information you gain per usage is up to the Gamemaster but it should be worthwhile.

As noted in the Precognition & Postcognition sidebar in Senses, knowledge can easily ruin an adventure and the last two types of attain knowledge given above (4-5 points per rank bases) are more powerful and more informational than Precognition and Postcognition, so the Gamemaster may limit your ability to use this power, may not allow you to have it at all, or require some limitations such as not the last two types or require slow action to use.


Destination Unknown: Can only be applied to 2-4 points per rank bases for determining locations. The location is still considered to become well known but you know nothing else about it. You know how to reference the location only if you do so right away (it is easy to forget). You don't know if the location determined is one you've already been to but you do know if the power fails (eg from countering) or if your source doesn't know. -1 point per rank

Limited to yes/ no questions: Can only be applied to 5 points per rank base. You may only ask a yes or no question although the answer does not have to be strictly yes or no if the answer doesn't fall entirely into one of those categories. The answer should be either: "yes", "no", "maybe", "I don't know", or "does not apply". If it isn't a yes or no question then it automatically doesn't apply if the answer is subjective and could be seen either way then the answer is maybe. -1 point per rank

Misinformation: Your source of information is dishonest, doesn't know very much, or is otherwise unhelpful about half of the time. -1 point per rank