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Type: Control • Action: Standard • Range: Close • Duration: Sustained • Cost: 1-2 points per rank

You can change the environment in an area: raising or lowering the temperature, creating light, causing rain, and so forth (see The Environment in Gameplay Rules for details). This power by default works equally well indoors and outside (see Limited to Outdoor use only below).

Your Environment affects a 30 foot radius around you at rank 1. Each additional rank moves the radius up one distance rank, for a reach of approximately 2,000 miles at rank 20, sufficient to alter the environment of an entire continent! This is a burst area effect by default.

Each of the following is a separate Environment effect. Note that Cold and Heat can only simulate natural temperatures and don't cause damage.


You can lower the temperature in the area. For 1 point per rank, you create intense cold; for 2 points per rank, you create extreme cold.


You can raise the temperature in the area. For 1 point per rank, you create intense heat, for 2 points per rank; you create extreme heat.

Impede Movement

You can impede movement through the area with high winds, icy or wet surfaces, or similar effects. For 1 point per rank, you reduce movement speed through the area by 1 rank; for 2 points per rank, you reduce it by 2 ranks. Depending on your descriptors, you may also apply circumstance modifiers to Acrobatics and Athletics checks for surface conditions.


You can raise the light level in the area, removing concealment granted by natural darkness, but not other forms of natural concealment (countering a darkness-based concealment power requires a power check as normal). For 1 point per rank, you can create enough light to reduce total concealment to partial and partial concealment to none. For 2 points per rank, you can shed light as bright as a sunlit day, eliminating all concealment provided by natural darkness. Power effects with the darkness descriptor may be countered with a successful power check as normal.


You impose a -1 modifier to Perception checks for 1 point per rank, and a -2 for 2 points per rank (see total Concealment). For more significant obscuring of senses (via darkness, fog, etc.) use an Area Concealment Attack effect.


Selective: With this extra you can vary the environment within your affected area, affecting some while not affecting others, or even mixing and matching different environments (making part of the area cold and another hot, for example). +1 cost per rank.

Free Modifiers

Area: This modifier is built in (at a difference cost) and can't be applied again although you may change the area shape into another kind (it is burst by default).


Limited to Outdoor use only: By default Environment can change the weather even indoors but this limitation removes that ability. -1 cost per rank.