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Mental Transform

Type: Attack • Action: Standard • Range: Close • Duration: Instant • Cost: 2 points per rank

You can change another character's mind. To use Mental Transform, make an opposed power check against the result of the target's Will check. If you lose the opposed check, you cannot change the target's mind. With two or more degrees of failure, any renewed attempt in that scene requires extra effort (see Extra Effort). The degree of success determines the degree of possible change:

Table: Mental Transform Check

Success Degree Of Alteration
1 Surface thoughts: You can change what the target is presently thinking about. This is the same as a distraction.
2 Memory: You can change the subject's memories and recollections. This includes adding, removing, and changing memories but the correct memory is still stored in the Subconscious.
3 Personal thoughts: You can probe deeper into the target's mind and change personality, outlook, motivation etc. Basically you can change anything that isn't Subconscious. Subconscious still holds the correct information.
4 Subconscious: You can change the target's subconscious, including repressed or hidden memories, deep-seated psychological traumas, or even other personalities.

If you desire a greater degree of change, you must take another standard action and make a new opposed check.

Healing Restorative can reverse Mental Transform if the Healing degrees of success is equal to or greater than the afflicted Mental Transform: it must be removed at once and degrees can't be reduced although multiple levels of change are each removable separately.

Physical damage that causes mental damage can't change subconscious level but it may destroy the entire mind effectively killing the character: who is Incapacitated with 0 HP neither can be recovered until Healing Resurrection is used but the body doesn't rot away if taken care of, if not taken care of the body will starve to bodily death (-3 HP) then start to rot.

A mental Illusion can fake memories and surface thoughts (what is presently being sensed) but nothing deeper.

Mental Transform can be effectively used as mind control, at a memories level this is more expensive for the same thing but at Subconscious level this is much longer lasting.

If Subconscious Does Not Match

The target gets a new Will check (DC equal to Mental Transform rank) each minute to regain their rightful mind; success ends the effect entirely. The target is aware that something is not quite right about their mind and because of this they will always attempt the Will check unless they retain a real memory of why they wanted their mind to be erased. If the victim has not recovered their mind upon falling asleep (or in another state that causes dreams such as Trance perhaps) they get a single Will check for the entire duration of this state with a +10 bonus. If the victim's mind is read the reader will see only what the new memories but will be aware that they have been tampered with unless the reader can see into the victim's subconscious which will reveal the correct memories. If a mind reader reads at a subconscious level then they may give the victim an immediate Will check for mental recovery with a bonus equal to the mind reader's mind reading power check that was used to read the mind. A Detect Influence (Awe) skill check can detect a person who is acting differently due to changed memories (the DC is high).

If Subconscious Matches

If the target's subconscious matches the other parts of their mind then the target is no longer aware of tampering and do not get a Will check every minute but recovery is still possible. They do not get a Will check while conscious. Recovery is only possible if the victim is at least considering the idea that their mind may have been changed and enters a dream state getting a single Will check (DC equal to Mental Transform rank) without a bonus. Where correct memories are stored after the subconscious has been changed is unknown. If the victim's mind is read the reader will see only what the new memories are, which do appear to be completely natural. A Detect Influence (Awe) skill check will not longer work but a Sense Mood (Awe) skill check can notice if the victim is feeling uncertain about their true past.


Aura: When applying the aura you must chose a specific fixed outcome of the mental transformation. For example: victim will forget a year of his life (erasing all memories can't be done in a single turn) or victim will become my friend. If there aren't enough degrees of success for the chosen result then nothing happens. The result can't vary based on the target (even with Selective) so if the desired result doesn't apply to the victim then the affect simply fails. +2 cost per rank.