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Mind Switch

Type: Attack • Action: Standard • Range: Close • Duration: Sustained • Cost: 8 points per rank

You can switch minds with another character. To use Mind Switch the character you target must not have more total character points than your rank in Mind Switch x5 if the target does then the target is immune to this power. Otherwise to use Mind Switch, the target makes a Will check +10 vs your ranks in Mind Switch. Both character's bodies have an ongoing effect so that either of them can be Nullified.

The term "original body" refers to the character's body when it is not under any of the effects of mind switch even if it is not actually the body the character was born or created with. Brain surgery and construct tampering can cause a body switch, in which case it can only be reverted by the same process. Insight can't detect a swapped body unless you detect a lie. Notice how this power always allows a reversal without reapplication because this is an affliction.

The owner of this power must be able to perform the actions needed to maintain the effect's duration. This means that the owner always has the option to end the power in addition to the target (if applicable). Switching back transcends time and space and is a free action, although you might not be aware of when and where your original body is. Each minute the victim (the affected character who does not own the power) may make the same Will check +10 again to demand switching back, this passage of time is based on the victim and requires a free action.

When switching, note that HP, equipment, and all conditions are linked to the body not the character (mind). When switching, the two characters effectively switch character sheets with exception to the mind: Intellect, Awareness, Presence, and all associated skills and Advantages remain with the character's mind. This may cause a character to effectively have more character points than normally allowed however this is only a problem if the mind switch lasts a "long time" at which point the GM decides how to handle it.

Whichever character switches back in any way (due to being affected by nullify, deciding to end the effect, being unable to maintain the affect, etc) that character returns to their original body switching with whoever is currently in that body. Each mind that has been affected by this power is marked with an ongoing effect until it is returned to its original body by any means. When every mind has returned to their original body the effect duration ends. This power can't be used again until the each subject is is back within their original body since the previous during must first end.

Death: in the event a character dies while this effect is ongoing. If a mind is switched into a dead body then the mind also dies. If a dead mind is switched into a live body then it is brain dead but otherwise the same. If the mind of the character that owns the power dies and the power is continuous, then the affect will continue and the dead mind will still be marked with an ongoing effect.

If you acquire a functional body without a mind (being brain dead or a construct with mind removed) you may still swap minds with it as though the missing mind existed in the case of switching back the place-holder mind always fails Will checks and can't maintain effects but is still associated with their original body. Notice that a lack of a mind uses exactly the same rules as a mind that has died. Any object that can't function as a body can't be switched with.

For this power to be within a device it must have Affects Others to function since the device itself has no mind and is not a suitable body (for that see Constructs). For devices the owner of the power is whoever is using the device, although either party can always demand the effect to end. A device with this power can't be used again until each of the two characters are back in their original bodies (or at least what was their body in the case of death) but remember that if the effect is not continuous it will automatically end if there is no user to maintain it.

Multiple switching back may occur at the same time in which case it is important to remember that each are returned to their original body. With the existence of Split, time travel duplicates, and super power duplicates this power gets complicated fast: the GM has been warned (take notes). The GM decides if and how many non-traits transfer such as complications and victory points. Having your body stolen should award you with victory points as a complication.


Automatic Reverse on Death: If a body dies then whichever mind originally owned that body switches back then dies. The mind that was in that body but did not die becomes Exhausted due to the shock of being thrown back from death. +1 cost per rank.

Body Stealer: With this modifier switching back can only be done if both bodies are within the range of this effect. This modifier is very expensive because it makes stealing bodies too easy (if the stolen body has teleport you'll never see it again). A GM should be wary of players taking this modifier, it exists for a body-based McGuffin quest and complications. It is also easier to keep track of since the switching back no longer transcends time and space. +5 cost per rank.

Split: Same as the normal modifier, notice that the body retains each unused rank and split by default although who owns the power remains the same. It is important to remember that when a duration of this power ends the mind returns to their original body. Flat 1 point per application.

Free Modifiers

Existence Dependent: Same as the normal modifier but everyone who has been switched by the power switches back at the same time. Note that this modifier depends on whoever currently owns the power.

Relocate Body: Normally the two bodies stay in place as the minds switch but with this modifier your character with their new body end up in the same place as before the switch. If you want to be able to choose when to switch places you need to take it as an alternate effect.

Third Party: Choose two characters that are within range and switch their minds instead of switching yours with a single target. If either target resists the effect is countered. If this power is Reversible then either affected character can choose to end the effect at any time. You always have the option to end the power because you are the owner. If the Body Stealer extra is also used then both affected characters and the owner must be within range to switch back. If you are choosing to end the effect you must choose one of the targets to return to their original body recall that this might not return the other to its original body.


Reversible: Any character may choose to end the power as a free action without the need for a Will check. -1 cost per rank.