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Remote Sensing

Type: Sensory • Action: Free • Range: Personal • Duration: Sustained • Cost: 1-5 points per rank

You can displace one or more of your senses over a distance, perceiving as if you were at that location, up to 15 feet away (distance rank -1). You can only displace your senses to a location you can accurately perceive without using any form of Remote Sensing (see Extended and Penetrates Concealment in Senses) or to a place that is well-known to you. Each additional rank increases your range one distance rank, so rank 2 is 30 feet, rank 3 is 60 feet, and so on.

The reason why this power exists in addition to Extended Senses is that Remote Sensing allows you to look at things or at angles not normally possible such as around corners or at your own face. The reason why the distance is more expensive than Extended Senses is that this power is more useful than a straight line, it effectively extends Extended Senses further, and it uses a single distance for a group of senses.

You can make Perception checks normally using your displaced senses, taking the normal action to do so. To search a large area for someone or something, use the search guidelines given in the description of the Investigation skill.

Remote Sensing costs 1 point per rank for one sense type, 2 points per rank for two sense types, 3 points per rank for three, and 4 points per rank for four, and 5 points per rank for all of your senses. Visual senses count as two sense types (so visual Remote Sensing is 2 points per rank). If your Remote Sensing has an accurate sense (usually sight) then you can use perception ranged effects with it. Sensory effects targeted on the spot where you have displaced your senses affect you normally.

Remote Sensing overrides your normal sense(s) while you are using it, therefore you are vulnerable (at half your normal active defenses) while using it, since you are less aware of your immediate surroundings.


Dimensional: This modifier allows you to extend your Remote Sensing into other dimensions with range proximate to your location in that dimension. One application of Dimensional allows you to sense into a single other dimension, two for a group of related dimensions, and three for any dimension in the setting suitable to your Remote Sensing descriptors. Dimensional Remote Sensing for an accurate sense is especially useful for targeting other Dimension effects. Flat +1 point per application.

Linked to Attain Knowledge: You can use Remote Sensing on specific people without knowing their location because Attain Knowledge will provide their location. Applying the flaw Destination Unknown to Attain Knowledge is a common way to reduce cost. See Attain Knowledge for cost and details

No Conduit: Sensory effects targeted where you have displaced your senses do not affect you, but neither can you use perception ranged effects via your Remote Sensing. Despite the built-in limitation, this is an extra, since it allows you to use your Remote Sensing to observe subjects in relative safety. +1 cost per rank.

Simultaneous: You can use both Remote Sensing and your normal senses at the same time, perceiving two locales like "translucent" overlays of each other. This means you're more capable of taking physical action while also using your Remote Sensing, although the effect still requires its normal duration to maintain. You are not vulnerable while using your Remote Sensing. +1 cost per rank.

Subtle: Remote Sensing is already Very Subtle so you can't apply this again. See Noticeable below. None


Distracting: Remote Sensing is already Distracting so you can't apply this again. See Simultaneous above. None

Feedback: With this flaw, damaging attacks directed at where you displaced your senses can affect you. Your sensory-point is considered to have partial cover from attacks and you use your Remote Sensing rank as your Toughness defense against any successful attack. The feedback may be psychosomatic in nature or due to some sort of disruption caused by an assault on the point where you have redirected your senses. Note that sensory effects already work on you via Remote Sensing and this flaw doesn't apply to them. -1 cost per rank.

Medium: You require a medium for your Remote Sensing, such as shadows, flames, mirrors, open water, television screens, and so forth. You can only perceive locations where your chosen medium exists and that you can perceive. -1 cost per rank.

Noticeable: Subjects observed via Remote Sensing can "feel" it with an Awareness check DC 5. Other choices for a single application are a DC 10 Perception check or the effect is noticeable only to certain exotic senses (at the GM's discretion). For another application it has an easily noticeable display, like a glowing set of eyes or a phantom image of your face, head, or body at the location you are observing. This manifestation cannot be used for communication, however (for that, take the Communication effect). Flat -1 point per application.