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The sample animals presented below are provided mainly as references for shapeshifters and summoners. More animals are included in the Gamemaster's Guide (an M&M 3e book not included in this website). Some animals have innate senses beyond those of humans (that must be paid for) such as: Direction Sense (Mental, for migratory animals), Infravision, Low-Light Vision, Extended Vision, Ultra-Hearing, Ultravision, and Acute Detect Stormy Weather (Tactile). Some normal animals are rumored to have Ghost Awareness (Mental) or Detect Impending Death (Mental) at your discretion (perhaps due to a mutation).

Ape PL3

Strength 1, Agility 3, Fighting 3, Dexterity 1, Stamina -1, Intellect -2, Awareness 1, Presence -1 Powers: Growth 1 Permanent, Innate, (+1 Strength and +1 Stamina included), Enhanced Defense: Toughness 2 (Permanent), Senses 1: Low-Light Vision, Senses 1: Acute Smell. Skills: Athletics 6 (+7), Perception 6 (+7). Offense: Init +3, Unarmed +3 (Damage 1). Defense: Dodge 3+0=3, Parry 3+0=3, Will -1+3=2, Fortitude -1+2=1, Toughness 1. Totals: Abilities 10 + Powers 11 + Skills 6 + Defenses 5 = 32 points. Unspent points: 13 character points.

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Dolphin PL5

Strength 1, Agility 3, Fighting 2, Dexterity 1, Stamina 1, Intellect -2, Awareness 1, Presence -2 Powers: Senses 2: Accurate Normal Hearing, Senses 1: Low-Light Vision, Senses 1: Ultra-Hearing, Movement 4: Swimming (8 MPH). Skills: Athletics 8 (+9), Close Combat: Unarmed 2 (+4), Perception 8 (+9). Offense: Init +3, Unarmed +4 (Damage 1). Defense: Dodge 3+1=4, Parry 2+2=4, Will -2+5=3, Fortitude 1+4=5, Toughness 1. Totals: Abilities 10 + Powers 8 + Skills 9 + Defenses 12 = 39 points. Unspent points: 36 character points (Fortitude 5 requires PL 5).

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Hawk PL5

Strength -2, Agility 3, Fighting 3, Dexterity 0, Stamina -2, Intellect -4, Awareness 2, Presence 0 Powers: Flight 4 (30 MPH) with Wings, Senses 2 (Extended 1: Vision, Low-light Vision), Shrinking 2 (Permanent, Innate; -2 Strength and -2 Stamina included). Skills: Perception 6 (+8). Offense: Init +3, Unarmed +7 (Damage -2). Defense: Dodge 3+2=5, Parry 3+2=5, Will 0+2=2, Fortitude -2+4=2, Toughness -2. Totals: Abilities 8 + Powers 14 + Skills 3 + Defenses 10 = 35. Unspent points: 40 character points (Dodge/Parry 5 requires PL5).

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Lion PL7

Strength 3, Agility 3, Fighting 4, Dexterity 1, Stamina 4, Intellect -4, Awareness 1, Presence 0 Powers: Senses 2 (Low-light Vision, Acute Smell). Skills: Close Combat: Claws 3 (+7), Perception 5 (+6), Stealth 8 (+11). Offense: Init +3, Unarmed (Claws) +7 (Damage 3). Defense: Dodge 3+4=7, Parry 4+3=7, Will 0+3=3, Fortitude 4+2=6, Toughness 4. Totals: Abilities: 24 + Powers 2 + Skills 8 + Defenses 12 = 46 points. Unspent points: 59 character points (must be PL 7+ for the defenses and Close Combat: Unarmed).

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Shark PL5

Strength 2, Agility 2, Fighting 4, Dexterity 1, Stamina 1, Intellect -4, Awareness 1, Presence -4 Powers: Bite: Damage 1 (Strength-based), Scales: Protection 3, Senses 2 (Low-Light Vision, Acute Normal Smell), Movement 4: Swimming (8 MPH). Advantages: All-out Attack, Power Attack. Skills: Athletics 4 (+6), Close Combat: Bite 1 (+5), Perception 5 (+6). Offense: Init +2, Unarmed (Slam) +4 (Damage 2), Bite +5 (Damage 3). Defense: Dodge 2+2=4, Parry 4+0=4, Will -4+7=3, Fortitude 1+4=5, Toughness 3. Totals: Abilities 6 + Powers 10 + Advantages 2 + Skills 5 + Defenses 13 = 32 points. Unspent points: 39 character points (must be PL 5+ for the Fortitude and Close Combat: Bite).

For a giant shark, add Growth to the desired level and alter the shark's abilities appropriately.

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Whale PL4

Strength 3, Agility 0, Fighting 2, Dexterity 0, Stamina 3, Intellect -3, Awareness 1, Presence -3 Powers: Growth 3 (Permanent, Innate; +3 Strength and Stamina included), Enhanced Defense: Toughness 1, Senses 6 (Accurate (4) All Auditory, Low-light Vision, Ultra-hearing). Skills: Athletics 2 (+5), Close Combat: Unarmed 2 (+4), Perception 10 (+11). Offense: Init +0, Unarmed +4 (Damage 7). Defense: Dodge 0+2=2, Parry 2+2=4, Will -3+7=4, Fortitude 3+1=4, Toughness 4. Totals: Abilities -6 + Powers 28 + Advantages 0 + Skills 7 + Defenses 12 = 41. Unspent points: 19 character points (must be PL 4+ for Parry, Will, Close Combat: Unarmed).

A roughly 50-foot long humpback or sperm whale. For larger whales such as the blue whale, or smaller whales like the orca, adjust the ranks of Growth.

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Wolf PL4

Strength 2, Agility 2, Fighting 3, Dexterity 0, Stamina 2, Intellect -4, Awareness 2, Presence -2 Powers: Senses 3 (Low-light Vision, Acute (2) All Olfactory). Advantages: Improved Trip. Skills: Perception 4 (+6), Stealth 4 (+6), Tracking 2 (+4). Offense: Init +2, Unarmed +3 (Damage 2). Defense: Dodge 2+2=4, Parry 3+1=4, Will -2+4=2, Fortitude 2+2=4, Toughness 2. Totals: Abilities 10 + Powers 3 + Advantages 1 + Skills 5 + Defenses 9 = 28 points. Unspent points: 32 character points (must be PL 4+ due to Dodge, Parry, Fortitude).

The wolf may also be used to represent other large canines.

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