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Example Characters

This page is a landing point for example characters. Some of them such as those under super heroes are intended to be used by players (after choosing some options). Some of them such as constructs are more intended for NPCs or sidekicks. Finally some of them are converted from other sources.

Supporting Characters

The subpages for NPCs contain a collection of characters for use in all games. The characters range from the average man-on-the-street (bystander) to highly trained soldiers and criminals. Many of these characters fit into support roles, scientists, reporters, and street informants the heroes may go to in order to get questions answered, while others are combatants. None of these characters will be a threat to PL10 characters, but they're often encountered in groups, which makes them more of a threat.

These characters are intended to be used when the GM needs a fairly common type of character that's either around to help or harm the character in some way depending on your series. They're also meant to represent a wide range of characters of that type. So, you can use the Police Officer to represent an actual police officer, but it could also be used as the basis for a detective, highly-trained security professional, or bodyguard. If you don't see exactly the archetype you need, find something close and make a few changes. That should get you close enough to keep the game moving quickly.

Just like player characters it is not necessary to spent the remaining character (or equipment) points, some characters just have unused potential. Especially in the case of animals it might be better to leave them unspent to remain more accurate to the character (or animal).