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Public Servants

Government Agent PL5

Strength 1, Agility 1, Fighting 3, Dexterity 1, Stamina 2, Intellect 2, Awareness 2, Presence 2 Equipment: Light pistol (6), camera, cell phone, computer, handcuffs. Advantages: Defensive Roll 1, Equipment 2. Skills: Athletics 4 (+5), Deception 2 (+4), Knowledge: Behavioral Sciences 3 (+5), Knowledge: Civics 2 (+4), Knowledge: Current Events 2 (+4), Expertise: Government Agent 3 (+5), Expertise: Streetwise 2 (+4), Intimidation 4 (+6), Investigation 6 (+8), Perception 3 (+5), Persuasion 3 (+5), Ranged Combat: Pistols 4 (+5), Technology 2 (+4), Vehicles 4 (+5). Offense: Init +1, Unarmed +3 (Damage 1), Light pistol +5 (Ranged Damage 3). Defense: Dodge 1+4=5, Parry 3+2=5, Will 2+1=3, Fortitude 2+1=3, Toughness 3 (2 without Defensive Roll). Totals: Abilities 28 + Powers 0 + Advantages 3 + Skills 22 + Defenses 8 = 61. Unspent points: 14 character points.

Government agents include members of organizations like the FBI, CIA, DEA, ATF, and even the DEO. Government agents are well-rounded with a good selection of skills and combat abilities.

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Police Chief PL4

Strength 0, Agility 0, Fighting 1, Dexterity 1, Stamina 0, Intellect 2, Awareness 2, Presence 3 Equipment: Light pistol (6), cell phone, handcuffs. Advantages: Connected, Equipment 2. Skills: Athletics 2 (+2), Expertise: Streetwise 6 (+8), Knowledge: Current Events 4 (+6), Expertise: Police Officer 6 (+8), Insight 8 (+10), Intimidation 4 (+7), Investigation 6 (+8), Perception 6 (+8), Ranged Combat: Pistols 2 (+3), Treatment 2 (+4), Vehicles 4 (+5). Offense: Init +0, Unarmed +1 (Damage 0), Light Pistol +3 (Ranged Damage 3). Defense: Dodge 0+3=3, Parry 1+2=3, Will 3+1=4, Fortitude 0+2=2, Toughness 0. Totals: Abilities 18 + Powers 0 + Advantages 3 + Skills 25 + Defenses 8 = 54. Unspent points: 2 equipment points and 6 character points.

The police chief can be a hero's greatest ally or worst enemy. Police chiefs may be dedicated public servants or corrupt politicians on the take, depending on the location and the style of your series.

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Police Officer PL5

Strength 2, Agility 1, Fighting 3, Dexterity 1, Stamina 2, Intellect 0, Awareness 1, Presence 1 Equipment: Bulletproof vest (Protection 4 vs. Ballistic), light pistol, Police Baton (see Club for 2 equipment points), cell phone, handcuffs. Advantages: Equipment 3. Skills: Athletics 3 (+5), Knowledge: Current Events 2 (+2), Expertise: Streetwise 3 (+3), Expertise: Police Officer 4 (+4), Insight 4 (+5), Intimidation 2 (+3), Investigation 2 (+2), Perception 4 (+5), Ranged Combat: Pistols 4 (+5), Treatment 2 (+2), Vehicles 4 (+5). Offense: Init +1, Unarmed +3 (Damage 2), Police Baton +3 (Damage 4), Light Pistol +5 (Ranged Damage 3). Defense: Dodge 1+1=2, Parry 3+1=4, Will 1+1=2, Fortitude 2+2=4, Toughness 2 (4 vs bullets). Totals: Abilities 22 + Powers 0 + Advantages 3 + Skills 17 + Defenses 5 = 47. Unspent points: 2 equipment point and 28 character points (Ranged Combat: Pistols +5 requires PL 5).

This archetype focuses primarily on uniformed beat cops. Undercover detectives and plain-clothes officers have more ranks in Investigate and often in other social skills like Persuasion and Intimidation.

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Swat Officer PL6

Strength 2, Agility 2, Fighting 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2, Intellect 0, Awareness 1, Presence 1 Equipment: Submachine gun, riot gear (Protection 4 for 4 equipment points), Police Baton (see Club for 2 equipment points), cell phone, handcuffs. Advantages: Equipment 4. Skills: Athletics 3 (+5), Knowledge: Current Events 2 (+2), Expertise: Streetwise 4 (+4), Expertise: Police Officer 5 (+5), Expertise: SWAT Officer 5 (+5), Intimidation 4 (+5), Perception 2 (+3), Ranged Combat: Machine Guns 4 (+6), Stealth 4 (+6), Treatment 3 (+3), Close Combat: Clubs 2 (+6). Offense: Init +2, Unarmed +4 (Damage 2), Police Baton +6 (Damage 4), SMG +6 (Ranged Damage 4, Multiattack). Defense: Dodge 2+2=4, Parry 4+0=4, Will 1+2=3, Fortitude 2+4=6, Toughness 4. Totals: Abilities 28 + Powers 0 + Advantages 4 + Skills 19 + Defenses 8 = 59. Unspent points: 31 character points (SMG, Baton, Fortitude require power level 6+).

SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics) squads are made up of police officers with special training in squad-level tactics and weapon-use. They deal with serious criminal threats, including mutant criminals.

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