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Mental Fission

Effect: FeatureAction: None • Range: Personal • Duration: Permanent • Cost: 1 point per rank

This is extreme multitasking: you can give multiple things 100% of your attention. You have a number of subminds equal to your rank. Each submind has its own surface thoughts, have the same intelligence as the overall mind, and all connect to the overall mind. Since the overall mind has information from each of them you can make decisions based on each. This is not multiple personalities although each submind has their own surfaces thoughts which causes problems for any mind reader. If a mind reader only gets one degree of success then they hear all surface thoughts at the same time. If a mind reader gets more than 1 degree of success then they can read any of the surface thoughts of their choice or any combination thereof. This does not affect concentration duration. An example of using this power would be a character being able to read 9 books at the same time, with 9 ranks in this feature.