Please enable JavaScript in order to see the generated sidebar. Without it you'll have to use the sitemap in order easily navigate.

sideBar.js is harmless: it simply generates hyperlinks to major pages. It exists in a single place so that I don't have to update 100+ html pages with relative links whenever I want to change it.

Sudden Stop

Effect: FeatureAction: Move • Range: Personal • Duration: Instant • Cost: 1 point per rank

You can stop on a dime: going from any speed to completely stopped in a single action. You must be capable of moving to use this power so that Flight is required for someone who is falling and a person who is immobile can't stop himself. You can't use this power while you are being dragged or carried: you must first escape the grab. The action this feature takes ignores the action your movement would take and ignores your maximum speed. This feature is not considered a movement power and thus is allowed to have an action of free.


Mobility Independent: You may use this power at any time except while being grabbed. This extra allows you to stop in mid-air without Flight even while immobile. However you must still escape a grab before you are able to use it and you must still be able to take the action required. Flat +1 point.