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Effect: FeatureAction: Full • Range: Personal • Duration: Concentration • Cost: 1 point per rank

Through breathing and bodily control, you can slip into a deep trance. You must not be interrupted while activating Trance meaning you can't take any actions between the standard and move actions used. You are defenseless while in your Trance and being harmed will end the duration of the power as though it was countered.

While in the trance you add your Awareness rank to your Stamina rank to determine how long you can hold your breath and you use the higher of your Fortitude or Will defenses for defense checks against suffocation (see Suffocation). Poison and disease effects are suspended for the duration of the trance. It requires a Perception check with a DC equal to your Awareness check result to determine you're not dead because your bodily functions are so slow.

You are aware of your surroundings while in trance and can come out of it at any time. You cannot take any actions while in the trance, but your GM may allow mental communication while in a trance. You are not even allowed to take free actions although Reaction effects can still be triggered normally and if Selective you may also decide if it should activate.

The action, range, and duration of this power cannot be changed with the exception of the slow flaw below.


Awareness Check Required: You must pass a DC 5 Awareness check to use this power. This functions like a normal application of Check Required except that it starts with DC 5. You can't take any other application of Check Required for Awareness until after you have this one, each one that follows increases the DC by 1. All applications of Check Required (for any kind of check) must be passed or the power does not work. Flat -1 point.

Distracting: You can't take this flaw because it is already included in the power.

Slow: Going into a Trance takes at least a minute of uninterrupted meditation. This is the only other action that Trance can have and its cost is different than normal due to it making the power relatively useless. -2 cost per rank.