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Supplementary Rules

This page contains additional details and extra rules. Basically it contains anything that I started to ramble off topic about. The order they are listed is small ones alphabetically then the large ones alphabetically.

Catching: Catching a falling person or object requires a Dexterity check (DC -1). If you successfully catch a falling object, subtract your Strength rank from the falling damage rank. Both you and the object suffer any remaining damage. So if a character with Strength 5 catches someone falling for 12 damage, subtract 5 from 12, and both characters resist damage 7. If the catcher is using a power--such as Flight or Move Object--to catch the falling object, the power's rank can be substituted for Strength at the GM's discretion.

Lasting Injuries: If you want to include lasting or more serious injuries in your game, or just in a particular story, they are better handled as complications (see the Complications section in The Basics for details). This is largely how the comics handle them; most of the time, heroes bounce back from the effects of combat but, occasionally, a character suffers a serious and significant injury--such as a broken arm or head trauma--that plays a role in the story later on. Handle this like any other GM-imposed complication: award the player a victory point when it comes into play, and apply the effects of the complication to the story. Use the conditions defined in The Basics as an idea of the complications facing an injured character.