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Ranks & Measures

This game uses the term rank when talking about the value of a game trait. So you might say a hero has "rank 8 Strength" or simply "Strength 8" (which mean the same thing), or that an effect is rank 5, 9, 15, or what have you. Every quantifiable trait in the game has a rank assigned to it.

The game also uses a system of measures, real world values like pounds, seconds, minutes, hours, feet, yards, and miles, to name a few. There is a direct relationship between rank and measure, as shown on the Measurements Table.

Things to Know About Measurements

When using the Measurements Table, there are a few important things to keep in mind:

Each rank represents a range of measures. Time rank 4 is actually all measures between 0.8 and 1.6 minutes, and time rank 16 is everything between 2.3 and 4.6 days! So if you're looking for a measurement that's not on the table, pick the next highest one that is; so 12 hours is a time rank of 13 (more than 6.8 hours, but less than 14), and 6 miles is a distance rank of 11 (more than 5.8 miles, but less than 12).

Like abilities, measures can have negative ranks. In the time rank example, the time it takes a Speed 14 hero to cover 30 miles (distance 13) is rank -1, or 3 seconds. You can extend the negative side the Measurement Table just like you can the positive side, with each lower rank halving the previous measurement. So rank -6 is 0.8 pounds, 0.095 seconds, and 5.625 inches, for example.

Don't directly add ranks. Putting rank 4 distance together with rank 6 distance is not rank 10 distance! Rank 4 is a distance measurement of 480 feet. Rank 6 is 1,900 feet. Adding the measurements, you get about 2,400 feet. 2,400 feet is distance rank 7 but rank 10 distance is 4 miles! If you have different ranks, it is best to either handle them separately or convert them to measurements, add the measurements together, and convert them back to a rank.

Measurements are approximate. Especially at the higher end, where each rank represents a wide range of measurements, the Measurements Table isn't intended to provide precise values; it's just a ballpark estimate so you have an idea of how things work in the context of the game. Don't focus too heavily on precise answers, just use the table for general guidelines.

Mass, Weight, Force, and Strength

Weight is the amount of force an object applies based on its mass and the amount of gravity it is under. Strength is the ability to exert force. Weight and strength ranks are equal to force ranks. Mass can be easily converted to weight (if under Earth's gravity then the value is equal) however they are not the same thing since mass is the amount of substance that makes up an object (the number of neutrons, protons, and electrons). In order to lift an object you must be able to exert more force than the object's weight. Examples involving heavy objects will generally use the object's weight (rather than mass) in order to remind everyone that objects may be under different amounts of gravity (particularly in space where nothing has weight).

Using The Measurements Table

The relationship between rank and measure has a number of uses in this game.

First, the capabilities of many traits are translated from their rank into a measurement. So the amount of weight a Strength rank of 3 can lift is determined by finding the equivalent weight measurement (force rank) on the table, or 400 lbf. Similarly, the mass, distance, or time affected by various other traits, especially powers, is determined on the Measurements Table.

Also, because the measurements on the table operate at the same scale (roughly doubling every rank), it is possible to use it to quickly figure out relationships between things like mass, distance, speed, and time:

Distance Rank = Time Rank + Speed Rank

To determine the distance a hero covers in a given amount of time, add the rank of the time to the rank of the hero's speed, with normal human ground speed being rank 0. So a normal person can cover 3 miles in an hour (time 9 + speed 0 = 9, the rank for 2.9 miles). In fact, with normal human speeds, you can just directly compare the time and distance columns of the table! As another example, a hero with Flight 12 can cover 12,000 miles in an hour! That's 12 (speed) + 9 (time) = 21, the rank for 12,000 miles. The same character can go an amazing 23 miles in just 6 seconds (the time of one action round)!

Time Rank = Distance Rank - Speed Rank

Reversing the previous formula, we can also figure out how long it takes someone at a particular speed to cover a given distance, by subtracting the speed rank from the distance rank to get a time rank. So a normal human (speed 0) walking 47 miles (distance 13) takes about 14 hours. A hero with Speed 14 covers the same distance in (13 - 14 = -1) just 3 seconds!

Mass Rank = Force Rank for weight under Earth's gravity

To make things easy the mass and force ranks match so that any object's weight rank when on Earth is equal to its mass rank. Calculating the weight of objects under different amounts of gravity is more complex than it's worth. Instead decide how many times stronger the gravity is compared to Earth, if it is twice as strong then add 1 to the weight rank etc.

Throwing Distance Rank = Strength Rank (force rank) - Weight Rank (force rank)

As another example, the distance rank a hero can throw something equals the hero's Strength rank minus the weight rank of the object. So a hero with Strength 10 (able to exert 26 tons-force), picks up a 5 ton-force weight truck (force rank 8). Since 10 - 8 = 2, the hero can then toss the truck rank 2 distance (120 feet)!

Units And Accuracy

The first table below uses United States customary units and the one below that uses the Metric system. WARNING: the two tables are incompatible. All positive and negative ranks are based on rank 0 values and usually have 2 significant digits. The cubic feet and inches values are based on 10 gallons rather than 1.3 cubic feet. But as described in the side bar above they are not supposed to be accurate. They are designed to be convenient and to counteract the law of diminishing return.

Measurements Table (US Customary Units)

Rank Force Mass Time Distance Volume
Rank - 1 Force / 2 Mass / 2 Time / 2 Distance / 2 Volume / 2
-5 1.6 lbf 1.6 lb 0.19 seconds 11.25 inches 5 cups (72 in3)
-4 3.1 lbf 3.1 lb 0.37 seconds 1.9 feet 10 cups
-3 6.25 lbf 6.25 lb 0.75 seconds 3.75 feet 1.25 gallons
-2 12.5 lbf 12.5 lb 1.5 seconds 7.5 feet 2.5 gallons
-1 25 lbf 25 lb 3 seconds 15 feet 5 gallons
0 50 pounds of force 50 pounds 6 seconds 30 feet 10 gallons (1.3 ft3)
1 100 lbf 100 lb 12 seconds 60 feet 20 gallons
2 200 lbf 200 lb 24 seconds 120 feet 40 gallons
3 400 lbf 400 lb 0.8 minutes 240 feet 80 gallons
4 800 lbf 800 lb 1.6 minutes 480 feet 160 gallons
5 1,600 lbf 1,600 lb 3.2 minutes 960 feet 320 gallons
6 3,200 lbf 3,200 lb 6.4 minutes 1,900 feet 640 gallons
7 3.2 short tons-force 3.2 tons (short ton) 13 minutes 0.73 miles 1,300 gallons
8 6.4 tons-force 6.4 tons 26 minutes 1.5 miles 2,600 gallons
9 13 tons-force 13 tons 0.85 hours 2.9 miles 5,100 gallons
10 26 tons-force 26 tons 1.7 hours 5.8 miles 10,000 gallons (1,400 ft3)
11 51 tons-force 51 tons 3.4 hours 12 miles 20,000 gallons
12 102 tons-force 102 tons 6.8 hours 23 miles 41,000 gallons
13 205 tons-force 205 tons 14 hours 47 miles 82,000 gallons
14 410 tons-force 410 tons 1.1 days 93 miles 160,000 gallons
15 820 tons-force 820 tons 2.3 days 190 miles 330,000 gallons
16 1,600 tons-force 1,600 tons 4.6 days 370 miles 660,000 gallons
17 3.3 million tons-force 3.3 million tons 1.3 weeks 740 miles 1.3 million gallons (170,000 ft3)
18 6.5 million tons-force 6.5 million tons 2.6 weeks 1,500 miles 2.6 million gallons
19 13 million tons-force 13 million tons 1.2 months 3,000 miles 5.25 million gallons
20 26 million tons-force 26 million tons 2.4 months 6,000 miles 10.5 million gallons
21 52 million tons-force 52 million tons 4.8 months 12,000 miles 21 million gallons
22 105 million tons-force 105 million tons 9.6 months 24,000 miles 42 million gallons
23 210 million tons-force 210 million tons 1.6 years 48,000 miles 84 million gallons
24 420 million tons-force 420 million tons 3.2 years 95,000 miles 170 million gallons
25 840 million tons-force 840 million tons 6.4 years 190,000 miles 340 million gallons
26 1.7 billion tons-force 1.7 billion tons 13 years 380,000 miles 670 million gallons
27 3.4 billion tons-force 3.4 billion tons 26 years 760,000 miles 1.3 billion gallons (180 million ft3)
28 6.7 billion tons-force 6.7 billion tons 51 years 1.5 million miles 2.7 billion gallons
29 13 billion tons-force 13 billion tons 102 years 3 million miles 5.4 billion gallons
30 27 billion tons-force 27 billion tons 205 years 6.1 million miles 11 billion gallons
Rank + 1 Force * 2 Mass * 2 Time * 2 Distance * 2 Volume * 2

Metric Measurements Table

Rank Force Mass Time Distance Volume
Rank - 1 Force / 2 Mass / 2 Time / 2 Distance / 2 Volume / 2
-5 6.25 N 625 g 0.19 seconds 31.25 cm 1.25 L (1,200 cm3)
-4 12.5 N 1.25 kg 0.37 seconds 62.5 cm 2.5 L
-3 25 N 2.5 kg 0.75 seconds 125 cm 5 L
-2 50 N 5 kg 1.5 seconds 2.5 m 10 L
-1 100 N 10 kg 3 seconds 5 m 20 L
0 200 Newtons 20 kilograms 6 seconds 10 meters 40 L (0.04 m3)
1 400 N 40 kg 12 seconds 20 m 80 L
2 800 N 80 kg 24 seconds 40 m 160 L
3 1.6 kN 160 kg 0.8 minutes 80 m 320 L
4 3.2 kN 320 kg 1.6 minutes 160 m 640 L
5 6.4 kN 640 kg 3.2 minutes 320 m 1.3 kL (1.3 m3)
6 13 kN 1.3 Mg 6.4 minutes 640 m 2.6 kL
7 26 kN 2.6 Mg 13 minutes 1.3 km 5.1 kL
8 51 kN 5.1 Mg 26 minutes 2.6 km 10.25 kL
9 102 kN 10.2 Mg 0.85 hours 5.1 km 20.5 kL
10 205 kN 20.5 Mg 1.7 hours 10.2 km 41 kL
11 410 kN 41 Mg 3.4 hours 20.5 km 82 kL
12 820 kN 82 Mg 6.8 hours 41 km 160 kL
13 1.6 MN 160 Mg 14 hours 82 km 330 kL
14 3.3 MN 330 Mg 1.1 days 160 km 660 kL
15 6.6 MN 660 Mg 2.3 days 330 km 1.3 ML (1,300 m3)
16 13 MN 1.3 Gg 4.6 days 660 km 2.6 ML
17 26 MN 2.6 Gg 1.3 weeks 1.3 Mm 5.2 ML
18 52 MN 5.2 Gg 2.6 weeks 2.6 Mm 10.5 ML
19 105 MN 10.5 Gg 1.2 months 5.2 Mm 21 ML
20 210 MN 21 Gg 2.4 months 10.5 Mm 42 ML
21 420 MN 42 Gg 4.8 months 21 Mm 84 ML
22 840 MN 84 Gg 9.6 months 42 Mm 170 ML
23 1.7 GN 170 Gg 1.6 years 84 Mm 340 ML
24 3.4 GN 340 Gg 3.2 years 170 Mm 670 ML
25 6.7 GN 670 Gg 6.4 years 340 Mm 1.3 GL (1,300,000 m3)
26 13 GN 1.3 Tg 13 years 670 Mm 2.7 GL
27 27 GN 2.7 Tg 26 years 1.3 Gm 5.3 GL
28 54 GN 5.4 Tg 51 years 2.7 Gm 10.75 GL
29 107 GN 10.7 Tg 102 years 5.4 Gm 21.5 GL
30 210 GN 21 Tg 205 years 10.7 Gm 43 GL
Rank + 1 Force * 2 Mass * 2 Time * 2 Distance * 2 Volume * 2