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If you play test this game I would appreciate it if you emailed me feedback. The survey here is to ask about the 2 items of concern I have: skill distance and combat. All questions are optional except: What version did you play (provide the major and minor)?


  • How often did you roll a skill check?
  • Did you choose your skills from the skill page when making your character?
  • Did you tend to pick more narrow or broad skills?
  • Was it a tough choice?
  • Did you regret your choice?
  • Do you think the skill distance penalty is balanced?
  • Do you think narrow skills should even exist?
  • What do you think about broad/narrow skills in general?


  • When making your character did you choose your attacks and defenses?
  • How often were you in combat?
  • How many good guys/bad guys were typically in a fight excluding minions?
  • About how many turns/rounds did combat take on average?
  • Do you think this is too long or too short?
  • Do you think the system is too lethal?
  • Did you use any maneuvers/actions?
  • Did the emphasis on ranks (instead of luck) make combat seem hopeless, pointless, or just right?
  • Do maneuvers/actions help balance combat?

System Involvement

  • Have you played M&M 3e before?
  • How much of H&H did you read?
  • Did you make your own character or use a prebuilt one (hero archtype)?
  • Do you prefer your system to have a rule for everything or would you rather have more of a lose outline?
  • Do you prefer your system to be as realistic as possible?
  • Do you like superheroes?
  • Do you like the idea of a universal system?

Your Gamemaster

  • Had the GM played or ran M&M 3e before?
  • How much of H&H did the GM read?
  • Was the GM more mechanic or narrative focused?
  • Did the GM seem to know how to run the system or did he have to look things up or make guesses?
  • How experienced was your GM in general?

Your Game

  • What version did you play? Provide the major and minor (current version is 3.).
  • How many protagonists were there?
  • What power level were your characters? (probably 10)
  • Was there any point where a character (whose stats actually mattered) had a power level of at least 20? I hope transcendence wasn't involved: those rules need an overhaul.
  • What style was the game: Light (which is 4-color), Dark, or Grayscale?
  • Did you enjoy the game overall?

Feel free to say anything else: complain, compliment, suggest, or whatever. Since I haven't gotten any feedback at all anything you have to say is welcome. So basically: "But sir there's gotta be something I need to improve on, ANYTHING!" --Spongebob (SpongeBob SquarePants "The Algae's Always Greener" s3e1a/e41a).