Please enable JavaScript in order to see the generated sidebar. Without it you'll have to use the sitemap in order easily navigate.

sideBar.js is harmless: it simply generates hyperlinks to major pages. It exists in a single place so that I don't have to update 100+ html pages with relative links whenever I want to change it.


This page is confusing for small screens and inconvenient for on-screen keyboards.

PL 0

Initiative +0
Character Point Totals: Abilities 0 • Powers 0 • Advantages 0 • Skills 0 • Defenses 000

Note that only the most recent rules () are fully supported.

Usage Notes

This page assumes you know all of the rules.
If you don't know what Transcendence is then leave it at 0 and ignore it.
There is no option for Transcendent equipment since God-like powers don't exist in mundane common items that can be easily obtained.
Power level is automatically set to the lowest possible value.
Transcendence is automatically set to the lowest possible value using user input as the minimum value (with a default minimum of 0).
Ranks in the Equipment Advantage are also automatically set to the lowest possible whenever the equipment section is changed.
Devices are created in the power section using removable.
The Image Path input box can be absolute or relative (to the file). Only this can be saved (for security reasons) and not any image given to the file upload button.
Some modifiers (such as those that change range, action, and duration) are automatically set and can't be set manually. Change the drop downs for range etc instead.
In order to lack an ability put "--" in the ability input (without the quotes).
Redundant powers, equipment, advantages and skills (those with the same type and subtype) are automatically removed.
To buy equipment that has no impact on any other section (including a vehicle or HQ) you may use Feature.
This counter doesn't have a direct option for applying modifiers to existing traits, such as Impervious Toughness, you may use Feature of the same cost to represent these (fill in the text).
You must spend points in whole numbers, if you have an odd number of total ranks in skills you will see a half point.
The text area below is for loading and saving data. It is also cleared out on load in order to display error messages.
Modifiers and advantages will show ranks for number of applications. If the cost isn't 1:1, the total will be to the right.
There is no easy way to have enhanced trait affect other areas so instead apply the traits where needed and make a note of how many are enhanced.
There are some bugs I am aware of. Hopefully they won't be an issue.

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