Please enable JavaScript in order to see the generated sidebar. Without it you'll have to use the sitemap in order easily navigate.

sideBar.js is harmless: it simply generates hyperlinks to major pages. It exists in a single place so that I don't have to update 100+ html pages with relative links whenever I want to change it.


This is version 3.. The most recent stable version of the system is located online here. Or click here to download a copy. For a description of each minor version (starting with 3.1) click here.

Version Numbering Scheme

The whole number is the major version number (which is currently 3). The number after the decimal point is the minor version number (which is currently ). These version numbers are not based on Semantic Versioning. The major version number is incremented whenever there is a change to the game such that it warrants player decision to adopt. Such changes include a change in core mechanics, a change is philosophy or meaning for a major game concept, or other major widespread changes or overhaul. The minor version number is incremented whenever there is a change in any rule that affects how the game is played or anything that affects the point calculator. Things such as renaming a term, changing the website color scheme, or rewording for clarification do not cause the minor number to change, however renaming an advantage will increment the minor version so that the the point calculator knows which name to use. Changing anything under Examples or Meta will not change the version number since it isn't changing any rules. (Major version 2 only incremented the minor version number whenever I gave a copy to someone which is why the last minor number is so low at 2.7.)

Major Version History

Since each major version is something the players must agree upon here's a list of the major versions:

  1. This is a placeholder version which represents the Open Game Content of Mutants and Masterminds 3rd edition.
  2. This version makes many balancing changes and adds more to the game. The big decision for players for whether or not to use this version is the change in ownership. While I do believe my game is better, I don't have a team of people and I haven't even play tested it yet. If you decide to use H&H you'll have to make sure everyone knows the rules (since this is effectively homebrew) and accept that any M&M material can't be used without conversion.
  3. The core mechanic uses 3 fudge dice instead of a 20 sided die. This change focuses on character traits instead of luck, is consistent with the Ranks and Measures tables, allows a routine check to be at +0 (it is possible to be better or worse than average), and has a small bell curve around 0. It is also possible to make a simple substitution using ordinary 6 sided dice that people likely already own. Any high character trait will be very useful because the dice have little variance, however this also means any very low trait is effectively useless. This forces more focus on character creation since mistakes are much more grave (perhaps literally). Combat traits need particular attention since being too low may result in 1-sided combat, for more information see Weak Player Characters.

For Git Users

Feel free to make a pull request but I will not give you push permission.

So basically this repository is a tabletop game forked from the Open Game Content portions of Mutants and Masterminds 3rd edition (see below). Which is legal (see Open Game License for details). Individual commits are intentionally invisible to the average player. Commits that change the version number will have their commit message start with the new version number. Since the changes are available online right away I consider this to be continuous integration into prod which is why I don't bother tagging anything since I expect many minor version changes and for no one to need any tags.

The gh-pages branch has the most recent stable rules and should be the one used when playing the game. Other branches may exist which are upcoming features or half finished ideas. I will attempt to maintain gh-pages even if other branches exist (although this may not be the case if there's a 4a branch for H&H 4.0).

Origin, Ownership, And Legality

This website is based on the Open Game Content portions of the 3rd Edition of the Mutants and Masterminds Superhero Roleplaying Game by Green Ronin Publishing. Humans & Heroes (this system) is likewise free to use (also see the local Open Game License for details).

This website was originally copied from using the tool HTTrack in 2012, the original website has since changed to include other free info that isn't M&M. After making the copy I modified it under the new name Humans & Heroes. The original site is owned by John Reyst and the modifications were done by Ryan Worcester. Also note that every image has been copied from the original website, I do not have permission to copy the CSS or images but I assume there aren't any copyright issues since it was a publicly viewed website. All images that are links (although often broken) go to who owns the image (all of them are or

The CSS does say "Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved." but I assume it's ok since I retained that notice and stripped out around 90% of it. Additionally Google Sites is free to use (since I have a gmail) even though I did remove the page footer with that info. Open Game Art states that I can use the art for free (even if I can't prove the images came from there because of dead links). Storn Art on the other hand I don't know. Since the website is a Blog by Storn A. Cook I might not actually have permission.

Note that because H&H is based on M&M and M&M was written for superheroes, H&H is also written with superheroes in mind. However all references to comic books, superheroes, ect is superficial because H&H can support ALL characters, themes, and genres minus known limitations.