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This section contains information about the game itself (such as author commentary and known issues) rather than rules for the game.

Mission Statement: The purpose of this system is to provide a universal system (more so than GURPS) that will allow any character from any story to be created in a balanced way. This will allow you to have an ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny by simply making character sheets for each of them. The ideals in order are: balance, versatility, then simplicity. It is possible that simplicity is sacrificed for the sake of versatility (if the trade off is reasonable) although if too complex it may end up in the Supplementary Rules rather than the core.

Although this system can create ANY character (minus the known limitations) some characters in their source material are not consistent enough. Therefore not all characters can be converted. Superman (DC Comics) is particularly inconsistent: by definition he is as strong as he needs to be (and also as weak as he needs to be). Feats include lifting an infinitely heavy book, moving planets, and struggling to lift a single ordinary crane. Go figure. There are also many other god-like characters with powers that are simply not allowed. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is technically possible with enough points but The Infinity Gauntlet (Marvel Comics) with its ability to change physics etc should not be given to players. Also see Lost In Translation and Known issues.