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Alter Metaphysics

Type: Control • Based on: Selective TransformAction: Reaction • Range: Perception • Duration: Permanent • Cost: ∞

To understand this power you must first understand metaphysics. Metaphysics are the rules that control physics (see table).

Table: Meta Levels

Meta Level Description
0 Character Free Will: Your character is able to do whatever he pleases as long as he follows the rules of every meta level above him.
1 Character Physics: Your character is affected by the in-game physics, such as in-game gravity, unless your character has the Beyond Mortal advantage.
2 Game Rules: This level consists of the rules of the game as dictated by the Gamemaster using this book as a basis. The game rules describe the mechanics of gravity and powers including limitations, formulas, and when to roll dice.
3 Gamemaster: Using this book as a basis the Gamemaster controls the game rules. The Gamemaster has ultimate authority over this aspect including the in-game physics, optional game rules, and changing required game rules.
4 Real Life Physics: These are the physics that govern the Gamemaster and players such as gravity causing them to stay on the planet, chemistry allowing the Oxygen to bond with the Iron in their blood, the vibration of air allowing them to communicate verbally etc.
5 Real Life Metaphysics: Why does gravity exist? Who enforces the law of gravity and causes its effect? Where does this force come from and from where does it get its energy? These are the kinds of questions concerning this meta level.

Note that the numbering I gave to the meta levels in the table above is arbitrary and meaningless. The power Reality Warp does not include everything of in meta level 1 since it can't alter things like logic which would be catastrophic much like altering metaphysics is. The reason why logic manipulation is included here instead of Reality Warp where it should be is so that it can't be purchased.

This "power" gives you the ability to alter any and everything (at meta level 2 or below) making all other traits obsolete. For example you could decide to roll five 20 sided dies and use the sum and force someone else to only use a 4 sided die at any time, you can change 1+1=3, you could make all humans have four arms naturally, you can control any character, move universes, change logic so that whoever is wearing the color green is automatically correct in an argument then change it back etc.

The reason why this power has its cost marked as ∞ is to represent the fact that no amount of character points can cause a player to become a Gamemaster. In order to become a Gamemaster it must be agreed on by the players. The reason why this is listed as a power is for completeness reasons. Likewise the action, range, etc listed are just for show since you can do whatever, whenever, however you want. So the Reaction action has no condition on which it acts (ie it happens whenever you want) or you could invent a whole new action type if you like.

This power's point costs does not affect the Power Level of the owner, unless you want to since you now have authority over Power Levels. A limited version of this power is possible such as Limited to Logic Manipulation doing so would allow great power without creating another Gamemaster.