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Type: Control • Action: Standard • Range: Close • Duration: Sustained • Cost: 1 point per rank

Under the Hood: Transform

Transform is a powerful effect, particularly in the hands of a cunning player. To a degree, Transform can duplicate certain other effects, such as trapping a target by transforming air into a solid material or turning oxygen into a suffocating gas (both Afflictions). Due to the Rule of Exclusive Purpose this is only allowed by use of a Power Stunt.

Keep in mind, however, that Transform has a sustained duration, which may affect how such "tricks" work (e.g., the trap disappears if the character is stunned, the suffocating gas dissipates unless the character concentrates each round to continue transforming it, etc.). As always, the GM should use common sense and good judgment. Additionally being temporary means that while a character can Transform objects into gold or jewels they will eventually change back. In order to acquire wealth buy the Benefit advantage.

Destructive Transformations

It is possible for Transform to effectively destroy objects: turning a steel door into water, air, or even rust certainly removes it as a barrier. However, keep in mind that Transform is normally sustained; the target isn't truly destroyed. The destruction of targets tends to be all-or-nothing. For an effect capable of wearing down and eventually destroying objects, use Weaken Toughness instead.

Transforming Beings

You can never transform an object to gain life. Transforming living or otherwise animate beings as opposed to inanimate matter requires an effect other than Transform. To alter a target's outward appearance only, go with a Morph Attack. For a harmful effect that does something like turn the target to stone or into a mind-controlled zombie, see Affliction, Mental Transform, Shrinking, Damage, and Weaken.

You can change objects into other objects, altering their shape or material composition in the process. You can only transform matter into matter, neither can be energy such as fire or electricity. You can transform matter with a maximum mass rank and volume rank equal to your Transform rank-6. The targeted matter must have a toughness per inch (not total toughness) equal to or less than your Transform rank-1.

When transforming an object the resulting matter will have the same mass rank as the target's starting mass. The targeted object must be of any single material. The resulting object must be of the same material and have the same state of matter (eg: solid, liquid) however you can control the appearance, color, and shape. This will let you bend, break, destroy, or repair objects. You can form any simple geometric shape or common object, such as: cube, sphere, dome, hammer, lens, disk, sand, pillow. You may also do simple variations of the previous object shape such as: twisting into an arch, putting a hole large enough to fit through, inserting tiny breathing holes, or shattering into small pieces. The Gamemaster has final say on whether or not a particular object is too complex for this effect. Generally, your objects can't have any moving parts more complex than a hinge (however see Ignore complexity extra).

Transform can't be permanent (except the Edible extra). When you stop maintaining it, the target reverts to normal. The matter returns to exactly how it was before it was targeted which may cause people to get stuck inside of an object. Transform may counter another Transform by trying to change the same target. To counter a Transform when it is activated they must both be able to affect the same target in its original form (not the form it would become). To counter a Transform that is already active the opposing Transform must be able to change the target's current form back to its original form (this may require extras).

Inanimate objects do not make defense checks and Transform automatically. Transforming someone's devices or equipment requires an attack. The equipped character gets a +2 circumstance bonus to Dodge or Parry for hand-held and similar sized objects. Targeting a worn suit of armor requires an attack check but the wearer does not get a circumstance bonus for the large item. Transform is generally just another way of "removing" a device or equipment, considered a part of item's discount in cost, although the item will return once the effect ends.


Any form: This extra requires Any material. The resulting object may be any state of matter (including plasma), may be energy, or can simply not exist at all. If you choose for there to be no resulting object then the current dimension temporarily has less mass. You may have the resulting object be something like electricity, fire, light, or digital information although note the volume limit and that Damage requires a power stunt. After the target object is successfully turned into something that isn't matter the effect can't be countered by another Transform (since it can only target matter) however Nullify still works as normal. +1 cost per rank.

Any material: This extra requires Change state. The resulting object may be of any material regardless of the target object's material. The resulting object must still be of a single material and has a maximum volume equal to your Transform rank-6. The resulting object has a maximum total toughness (not per inch) equal to your Transform rank-1, the power level limitation, or the material's natural total toughness whichever is lowest. +1 cost per rank.

Change state: The resulting object may be either solid, liquid, or gas regardless of the object's previous state of matter. The resulting object retains this state for the duration of the effect, for example ice that doesn't melt or water that doesn't freeze. You may also allow the resulting object to change state naturally. +1 cost per rank.

Edible: If the resulting object is eaten then you can make the duration permanent. If you don't make it permanent then the duration ends as normal and will cause the eater to be inside of an object. +1 flat point.

Ignore complexity: Your Transform ignores material and shape complexity. The target object may be any combination of materials (if you have Any material extra) so long as the total mass and volume are within the limit and the highest toughness is within the limit. You still can't create life however you can create a corpse. Creating a device or equipment requires a power stunt. You aren't required to know how to form the resulting objects but the request can't be too specific. For example you can't say "the key to this door" or "a body that looks like the king's daughter" unless you know the required key shape or the appearance of the princess. This extra includes Precise which can't be included in any other way. +1 cost per rank.

Precise: Precise is included in Ignore complexity. There is no other way to apply it.

Selective: Transform always includes Selective. It can't be applied again.