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sideBar.js is harmless: it simply generates hyperlinks to major pages. It exists in a single place so that I don't have to update 100+ html pages with relative links whenever I want to change it.


Type: General • Action: Free • Range: Personal • Duration: Sustained • Cost: 1 point per rank

You can alter your appearance. Your traits do not change; your new form is merely a cosmetic change and only visual. You can look exactly like your target limited by perception and knowledge of your target. Note that this is only a visual change meaning you do not have the same voice as your target (see Linked below). When using Morph as a disguise you receive a bonus to Deception: Disguise equal to your power rank (within the maximum specified by power level limitations).

You can assume any form of the same mass rank and size rank as your own. Note that the default size for a human is distance rank -2 (between 3 and 6 feet tall). Affects Objects can't be applied, instead see Transform. Morph can't be permanent.

For the ability to change size as well as appearance see the Growth and Shrinking effects. To take on the other traits of forms you assume, see the Variable effect.


Attack: A Morph Attack imposes a different appearance on the target creature. This is entirely cosmetic: you can't change the target's traits other than appearance although it is not uncommon for Weaken to Link to Morph. +1 points.

Linked Illusion: Use minor illusions to trick senses beyond visual such as: mimic voice, natural scent, etc. These illusions can't be resisted until your disguise is seen through or if the subject has appropriate senses that counter illusions. If you want your visual appearance to be illusionary as well, use Resistible. See Illusion for cost

Precise: Precise is built in and can't be applied again. 0 points.