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Type: General • Action: Free • Range: Personal • Duration: Sustained • Cost: 6 points per rank

You can temporarily increase your size, gaining various bonuses such as Strength and Stamina while becoming a bigger and heavier at the cost of various penalties such as less agile target, unable to maneuver through small spaces. Growth modifiers are restricted by power level limits.

Each rank of Growth doubles your size (increase size by 1 rank). Ordinary humans start out at size rank -2 (between 3 and 6 feet tall). You also get +1 base speed, +1 Strength, +1 Stamina, and +1 mass (which causes +1 weight under Earth's gravity). These bonuses are known as absolute size bonuses but you are also affected by Relative size penalties and bonuses. If you lack Stamina instead get +1 Fortitude and +1 Toughness.

Note that Growth and Shrinking in size must be bodily proportional meaning if your head grows in size by 3 ranks so must the rest of your body. In order to assume forms of other proportions see Morph.


Immovable: The mass you gain is unaffected by gravity (thus your weight doesn't increase). Anything based on your mass still applies such as being harder to move or trip. +1 cost per rank.

Linked Morph : By linking to Morph (1 rank) Growth no longer needs to be bodily proportional as long as mass, size (height), and volume are correct. Flat +1 point.

Opposite Duration: Instead of using the power to become abnormal sized you use it to become normal sized. Your default size is not rank -2 (6 ft). For example Opposite Duration Growth 2 would mean your innate size is rank 0 and you activate this power to become size -2 so that if countered or during power loss you return to the size rank 0. This exists as a much cheaper alternative to having Permanent Innate Growth and Shrinking. A power with this modifier can't increase ranks since that would change your character's default size. Growth with this modifier can't also have permanent duration since that defeats the purpose. +1 cost per rank


Remove Absolute Size Bonus: You retain either your Size, Strength, Stamina, or mass while using this power. Choose only one of those traits per application but you can't have four applications to choose them all since then the power would do nothing. Note that you can't choose base speed since that is determined by absolute size. -1 cost per rank per application.