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The following section lists the available extras, starting with the extra's name and cost per rank in character points, along with a description of what the extra does in game terms.

Table: Extras

Name Cost Description
Accurate 1 flat per rank +2 attack check bonus per rank
Affects Corporeal 1 flat per rank Effect works on corporeal beings with rank equal to extra rank.
Affects Objects +0-1 per rank Fortitude resisted effect works on objects.
Affects Others +0-1 per rank Personal effect works on others.
Alternate Resistance +0-1 per rank Effect uses a different defense.
Area +1 per rank per application Effect works on an area.
Attack +1 per rank Personal effect works on others as an attack.
Aura +2 per rank Physical contact triggers an automatic attack.
Contagious +1 per rank Effect works on anyone coming into contact with its target.
Dimensional 1-3 flat points Effect works on targets in other dimensions.
Existence Dependent -- Reversible effects reverse upon power loss or destruction.
Extended Range 1 flat per rank Doubles ranged effect's distances per rank.
Faster Action +1 per rank per application Decreases action time required to use effect.
Feature 1 flat per rank Adds a minor capability or benefit to an effect.
Homing 1 flat per rank Attack effect gains additional chances to hit.
Impervious 2 flat per application Defense ignores effects with difficulty modifier of equal to or less than the rank.
Increased Duration +1 per rank per application Improves effect's duration.
Increased Range +1 per rank Improves effect's range.
Indirect 1 flat per rank Effect can originate from a point other than the user.
Innate +1 per rank Effect cannot be Nullified.
Insidious 1 flat point Result of the effect is more difficult to detect.
Linked -- Two or more effects work together as one.
Multiattack +1 per rank Effect can hit multiple targets or a single target multiple times.
Penetrating 2 flat per application Effect overcomes Impervious Defense.
Precise 1 flat point Effect can perform delicate and precise tasks.
Reach 1 flat per rank Extend effect's reach by 5 feet per rank.
Reversible 1 flat point Effect can be undone as a free action.
Ricochet 1 flat per rank Attacker can bounce effect to change direction.
Selective +1 per rank Resistible effect works only on the targets you choose.
Split 1 flat per rank Effect can split into multiple, smaller, effects.
Subtle 1-2 flat points Effect is less noticeable (1 point) or not noticeable (2 points).
Variable Descriptor 1-2 flat points Effect can change descriptors.

Accurate Flat 1 Point Per Rank

An effect with this extra is especially accurate; you get +2 per Accurate rank to attack checks made with it. The power level limits maximum attack bonus with any given effect.

Affects Corporeal Flat 1 Point Per Rank

This can't be applied to personal range effects. An incorporeal being can use an effect with this extra on the corporeal world (see the Insubstantial effect description). When an effect is used against a corporeal target, the effect's rank is equal to the rank of this extra, up to a maximum of the effect's full rank. Characters with lower ranks 1-3 of Insubstantial do not require this extra for their effects to work on the physical world, although they can apply it to their Strength rank to allow them to exert some Strength while Insubstantial. This modifier could instead be listed on the Insubstantial page since that power is required for this modifier to do anything but this isn't a unique modifier since it is applied to any power.

Affects Objects +0 Or +1 Cost Per Rank

This can't be applied to personal range effects. This modifier allows effects normally resisted by Fortitude to work on objects. Generally, this extra applies to effects like Healing or Weaken, allowing them to work on objects in the same way as they do living creatures. If the effect Affects Only Objects, working on objects but not on living creatures, it has a net modifier of +0. If the effect works on both living creatures and objects then this modifier costs +1 cost per rank.

Objects do not get defense checks; the effect works on the targeted object at its maximum degree of success. At the GM's discretion, someone holding, carrying, or wearing an object can make a Dodge defense check against the effect, representing pulling the object out of the way at the last moment.

Affects Others +0 Or +1 Cost Per Rank

This can't be applied to a Permanent effect and can only be applied to a personal range effect. The range changes from personal to close in order to give someone else the trait (as long as he is within range). It takes a move action to give the power. The activation flaw is built in and can't be applied again. You may revoke the power at any time as a free action but do not need to take any action to maintain the effect. The target has control over the trait he gained and must maintain it. Since it still only affects 1 target: you may only use the power yourself if no one else is using it. The Area extra can't be applied to this power but Split can. You can't apply both Affects Others and Attack (since they both require the range to be personal when applied).

If a device is using this modifier to grant the user a power that has duration shorter than continuous then the device must be in use whenever the effect is maintained otherwise the duration ends. A device that uses a continuous effect will not end until the current device user decides to end the duration or the device is destroyed which will cause a power loss of the device thus ending the affect.

If you can never use the effect (aka Affects Others Only) this extra is free (+0 cost per rank). Otherwise (aka Affects Others Also) this modifier costs +1 cost per rank.

Alternate Resistance +0 Or +1 Cost Per Rank

An effect with this modifier has a different defense than usual. The defense check difficulty class remains the same, only the defense differs. If the change is to a generally lower (and therefore more advantageous) defense, this extra increases cost per rank by +1. If, in the GM's opinion, there is no real increase in effectiveness, just a chance to the defense, it has a net modifier of +0. Generally changing from Toughness to any other defense is +1 although this modifier is never a flaw even if changing from any defense to Toughness. The defense against an attack can't be changed, it is determined by range: Parry for Close range and Dodge for Ranged range. To add a defense check for Perception range see the Resistible flaw below.

Area +1 Cost Per Rank Per Application

This can't be applied to personal range effects and can't be applied to powers with the Affects Others or Attack extras. This extra allows an effect that normally works on a single target to affect an area. No attack check is needed; the effect simply fills the designated area, based on the type of modifier. Potential targets in the area are permitted a Dodge defense check (DC is effect rank) to avoid some of the effect (reflecting ducking for cover, dodging out of the way, and so forth). Partial cover reduces the Area effect to half its normal rank against that target (round down, minimum of 1 rank) and total cover makes the target immune entirely each assuming that the area effect doesn't ignore cover like Cloud shape normally does and can't simply destroy the cover during the attack. If the target can't reach cover or leave the area within 1 second (speed - 2) then the dodge check fails. Dodge check is used as reflexes to test reaction time but speed is still needed to be able to get to safety (Immobile characters can't get to safety). If the target already has total cover when the area effect is used then that target is automatically immune if possible. If Permeate or Insubstantial are already active then it can be used to provide cover by going inside of objects or simply being immune to damage. If the target is unaware of the effect they can't dodge. An Area must have a Shape (see below) and interacts with different ranges (see Range below). Cone and Line shapes are the only 2 that allow the Indirect modifier.

By default an area effect will not affect the user (no matter the shape or range). If you would like it to affect the user take the side effect flaw.


Choose one of the following options:

Burst: The effect fills a sphere with a 30-foot radius (distance rank 0). Bursts on level surfaces (like the ground) create hemispheres 30 feet in radius and height.

Cloud: The effect fills a sphere with a 15-foot radius (distance rank -1) that lingers in that area for one round after its duration expires (affecting any targets in the area normally during the additional round). Clouds on level surfaces (like the ground) create hemispheres 15 feet in radius and height. If the effect depends on inhalation holding your breath will provide immunity (constructs must breath by default unless it has immunity to suffocation). This area can be used in any environment: indoors, in space, underwater and otherwise. But it is always weather dependent meaning that wind (or an ocean current etc) will counter the effect. Cloud shaped area effects can reach around corners (in within range) and will permeate as gas (or water when underwater) therefore for cover to be effective it must be at least water-tight.

Cone: The effect fills a cone with a length, width, and height of 30 feet (distance rank 0), spreading out from the effect's starting point. Cones on a level surface halve their final height unless the effect is aimed upward so that the bottom of the cone is hitting the main target.

Cylinder: The effect fills a cylinder 30 feet in radius and height (distance rank 0). This shape is intended to be pointed up (such as a pillar of fire) but can be pointed in any direction just like cone and line shapes.

Line: The effect fills a path 5 feet wide and 60 feet long (distance rank 1) in a straight line.

Perception: The effect works on anyone able to perceive the target point with a particular sense, chosen when you apply this extra, like a Sense-Dependent effect. Targets get a Dodge defense check, as usual, but if the check is successful suffer no effect (rather than half). Concealment that prevents a target from perceiving the effect also blocks it. This modifier includes the Sense-Dependent flaw so it can't be applied again. If it is applied to an already Sense-Dependent effect, it costs 2 points per rank rather than 1. This is the only shape that can't be applied again since it has a range dependent on the target's perception.

Shapeable: The effect fills a volume rank 9 which you may shape as you wish, so long as it all remains contiguous and it must be at least 5 feet in each dimension. A 5 foot cube is 125 cubic feet (about 935 gallons) so about 5 of these cubes would fill volume rank 9.

Each +1 point increase in cost per rank moves the area's distance rank up by 1. So a Burst Area with +2 cost per rank has a 60-foot radius (distance rank 1), a 120-foot radius at +3 cost per rank (distance rank 2), and so forth.


The Area modifier interacts with different ranges as follows:

Personal: Personal effects can't have the area modifier. Instead you'll have to use Split along with either Affects Others or Attack.

Close: An effect must be at least close range in order to apply Area (personal range effects work only on the user by definition). A Close Area effect originates from the user and expands to fill the affected area; the user is not affected by it. So, for example, Close Burst Area Damage does not damage the user, who is at the center of the burst. This immunity does not apply to other effects, nor does it extend to anyone else: for that, apply the Selective extra. If the user wants to be affected at the same time, increase cost per rank by +1 once. An example would be a Close Burst Area Healing effect that included the user along with everyone else in the area. This is the equivalent of the +1 Affects Others modifier.

Ranged: A ranged area effect can be placed anywhere within the effect's range, extending to fill the area's volume from the origin point. This includes a free Indirect 1 (see Indirect).

Perception: A perception area effect can be placed anywhere the user can accurately perceive. Perception area effects neither require an attack check nor allow a Dodge defense check, although targets still get a normal defense check against the effect. Perception area effects are blocked by either concealment or cover; choose one when acquiring the effect. For concealment, if the attacker can't accurately perceive a target in the area, it is unaffected. Thus even heavy smoke or darkness can block the effect. Effects blocked by cover are much like conventional area effects: solid barriers interfere with the effect, even if they are transparent, but the effect ignores concealment like darkness, shadows, or smoke. Only targets behind total cover are unaffected.

Example: Mindmaster has a Burst Area Affliction, allowing him to seize control of the minds of everyone in the affected area. He must be able to accurately perceive a target to control it; an invisible foe or one out of his line of sight, for example, would be unaffected, even if they were within the area of the burst. On the other hand, targets behind a glass wall or invisible force field are affected, since Mindmaster can perceive them. Conversely, Fright-Master has a Burst Area Affliction as well--his fear-inducing gas. Targets behind a solid barrier (such as on the other side of that glass wall or invisible shield) are unaffected, but the unseen or concealed target is, even though Fright-Master can't perceive him, since the gas still reaches them.

Attack +1 Cost Per Rank

This functions like Affect Others above but is considered an attack. You control (if applicable) and maintain (if necessary) the trait of the target.

The effect still works on you (you are allowed to attack yourself) but still only affects a single target at a time. It affects one creature of any size or mass rank 0 of inanimate mass. In addition to Parry/Dodge to avoid the attack, the target gets a Fortitude or Will check (chosen when this modifier is applied) vs DC = effect rank. A successful check negates the effect but failure means that the target is affected by a number of ranks equal to the difference of success with a maximum of the number of ranks you have in the effect. Note that if you are attacking yourself you may choose to fail a Will defense check but Fortitude must still be rolled.

Aura +2 Cost Per Rank

This extra can only be applied to attack powers but not ones with the Attack extra. In order to apply this the power must have an action of standard and a range of close. The power's action becomes reaction and the condition is physical contact. When physical contact is made (such as from a grab or unarmed attack) the effect activates. In the case of a grab (or other extended contact) the effect activates again each round that contact remains. All characters in physical contact will be affected (it is not limited to a single target) therefore Split can't be applied.

The Area extra can't be applied to an aura unless you first apply a "Big Aura" extra which is +2 cost per rank. Big Aura only allows Burst Area but doesn't include ranks of it. When an area is applied the reaction condition changes to "targets within the area's range" rather than physical contact therefore targets are affected when entering the range and each round while within range. Note that unlike normal Burst Area there is no Dodge check: it automatically hits based on range (consider this when determining power level limitations). As a cost example: Damage 10, Aura, Big Aura, Burst Area 2 costs 70 points compared to Damage 10, Burst Area 2 which only costs 30 points.

When applying the Aura extra choose where the aura is located (it doesn't matter where a Big Aura is centered). For example you may say that the Aura is only on the palm of your right hand, your entire skin, or your whole body including equipment, clothes, and melee weapons. Whether the aura covers everything or very little, it doesn't change the cost (since it doesn't really change the effectiveness). Note that the aura doesn't apply to ranged weapons such as the arrow fired from a bow for such things you'll need a power stunt.

When applying the Aura extra to Damage choose if it will affect objects (the other powers will affect objects based on the presence of the Affects Objects extra). If objects are affected then decide if the floor is affected (although the floor is an object it gets a special exception). If the power is Selective then you choose when the floor is or isn't affected but must still specify a default behavior. If objects are affected but the floor isn't then the floor can still be affected by attacking it.

If the effect is Selective then you can choose to have it not activate against certain targets, however the default action is to affect everyone therefore it will activate while you are unable to decide (eg being incapacitated). In order to turn it off see the Activation flaw.

The Linked extra can't be applied with this extra. That is to say nothing can be linked to an aura and an aura can't be linked to anything. Although it is possible to have multiple auras each of which will activate upon physical contact. Also keep in mind that the aura may activate while using powers, skills, etc based on if physical contact is involved.

Contagious +1 Cost Per Rank

This can't be applied to personal range effects. Contagious effects work on both the target and anyone coming into contact with the target. New targets resist the effect normally. They also become contagious, and the effect lingers until all traces of it have been eliminated. A Contagious effect is also eliminated if its duration expires. Examples of effects with this extra include "sticky" Afflictions trapping anyone touching them, disease- or toxin-based Weaken effects, or even a Nullify effect spreading from one victim to another. Contagious is almost exclusive to disease, poison, or chemical (being on fire is naturally Contagious) any other effect must have a very good reason.

Dimensional Flat 1-3 Points

This modifier allows an effect to work on targets in other dimensions (if any exist in the series). You affect your proximate location in the other dimension as if you were actually there, figuring range modifiers from that point.

One rank in Dimensional can affect a single other dimension. Two ranks can affect any of a related group of dimensions (mythic dimensions, mystic dimensions, fiendish planes, and so forth). Three ranks can reach into any other dimension in the setting.

For many effects, you may need a Dimensional Remote Sensing effect to target them. Targets in other dimensions you cannot sense have total concealment from you.

Existence Dependent 0 Points

This modifier can only be applied to Instant effects that have the Reversible modifier. When the device or character with the effect loses the power (it must be lost not just countered or nullified) all targets affected by the power have the effects reversed automatically. This also triggers upon character death or device destruction. This does not simply make Instant effects act as Continuous duration since you may still use the effect on any number of targets.

Extended Range Flat 1 Point Per Application

This modifier extends the distance over which a ranged effect works. This modifier can only be applied to effects with range of ranged otherwise see Reach and Increased Range. Each application of Extended Range increases the effect's short range by 1 distance rank keeping in mind that medium range is 1 more than short range and long range is 2 more than short range. So 1 rank makes short range (0 + applications = 60 ft.), medium range (1 + applications = 120 ft.) and long range (2 + applications = 250 ft.).

The GM may set limits on the maximum Extended Range an effect can have; as a general guideline, effects used on a planetary surface are limited to the distance to the horizon (beyond which the curvature of the planet makes it impossible to see anything to target it). On Earth at sea level, this is roughly three miles (distance rank 10).

Faster Action +1 Cost Per Rank Per Application

The action type for an effect is grouped as follows from slowest to fastest: Slow, Full, Standard, Move, and Free. Each application speeds up the action from that effect's action type (move to free, for example) and is worth +1 cost per rank. Permanent effects have an action type listed as None which can't be modified. See Gameplay Rules: Action Types for a full description of each type.

This extra can't change a power to be reaction. For that see Aura.

Feature Flat 1 Point Per Rank

The Feature effect can also serve as an effect modifier, essentially adding on some minor additional capability or benefit to a basic effect. Although listed here as an extra, this is essentially the same as having the Feature Linked to the base effect (see the Linked modifier later in this section); the Feature is an intrinsic part of the overall power, rather than separate.

As with the Feature effect, a Feature extra should be significant enough to be worth at least 1 character point and not solely based on the power's descriptors. So, for example, a fiery Ranged Damage effect does not need a Feature to ignite fires; doing so is part of its "fire" descriptor and can be equally advantageous and problematic. A Ranged Damage effect that consistently "brands" its target with a visible and traceable mark, on the other hand, is an effect with an added Feature.

Homing Flat 1 Point Per Rank

This modifier grants a ranged effect an additional opportunity to hit. If an attack check with a Homing effect fails, it attempts to hit again on the start of your next turn, requiring only a free action to maintain and allowing you to take other actions, including making another attack. The projectile by default uses the attacker's senses since the user is telling the missile how to attack. If the user can't take free actions or descides not to then the missile stops and misses. Each rank in Homing grants the effect one additional attack check, but it still only gets one check per round.

The Homing effect uses the same accurate sense as the original attack to "track" its target, so concealment effective against that sense according to the attacker may confuse the effect and cause it to miss. If a Homing attack misses due to concealment or lacking a free action, it has lost its "lock" on the target and does not get any further chances to hit. You can take Senses Linked to the Homing effect, if desired (to create things like radar-guided or heat-seeking missiles, for example) in which case the attack no longer requires free actions from the attacker. If a Homing attack is countered before it hits, it loses any remaining chances to hit. The same is true if it hits a different target.

Impervious Flat 2 Points Per Application

A defense with this modifier is highly resistant. Any effect with a rank equal to or less than the Impervious rank has no effect. So, for example, Impervious Toughness 5 ignores any Damage with a rank of 5 or less. Penetrating effects can overcome Impervious Defense (see the Penetrating extra description).

Impervious is primarily intended for Toughness defense checks, to handle characters immune to a certain threshold of damage, but it can be applied to other defenses with the GM's permission, to reflect characters with certain reliable capabilities in terms of resisting particular effects or hazards. This modifier can be applied directly to defenses without raising them or applied to Enhance Trait. The number of Impervious applications can't exceed half your defense score (rounded up).

Increased Duration +1 Cost Per Rank Per Application

The duration for an effect is grouped in order as follows: Concentration, Sustained, Continuous, then Permanent. See Duration for details. This modifier increases an effect's duration from left to right. Each duration increase cost +1 except going from Continuous to Permanent which is -1 therefore going from Sustained to Permanent is free. Effects must have their base action type before becoming Permanent duration and only personal range effects can become Permanent. Effects that have a base duration of Instant can't have their durations changed. Also see Decreased Duration modifier.

Going From Continuous To Permanent

A continuous effect with Increased Duration becomes permanent in duration. It cannot be turned off, it is always on by default. If some outside force--usually a Nullify effect--does turn it off, it automatically turns back on as soon as possible with a minimum downtime of 1 round. Additionally, you cannot improve a permanent effect using extra effort.

Permanent effects may be inconvenient at times (including things like being permanently incorporeal or 30 feet tall). Being unable to turn off and unable to improve it with extra effort is why this is a -1 rank flaw.

Increased Range +1 Cost Per Rank Per Application

Effects have a standard range: close, ranged, or perception in increasing order. See Range for details. This modifier increases an effect's range by one step per application but going from ranged to perception costs +2 points. So that making a close effect into ranged is +1 and a close effect into perception ranged effect is +3 cost per rank. This modifier can't increasing the range from personal to close, instead see either Affects Others or Attack extras.

Indirect Flat 1-4 Points

A ranged effect with this modifier can originate from a point other than the user, ignoring cover between the user and the target, such as walls and other intervening barriers, so long as they do not provide cover between the effect's origin point and the target. An Indirect effect normally originates from a fixed point directed away from you. In some cases, an Indirect effect may count as a surprise attack (see Surprise Attack). This modifier can't be applied to area effects. These two modifiers are exclusive you must remove one to gain the other.

Indirect 1: the effect originates from a fixed point away from you.

Indirect 2: the effect can come from any point away from you or a fixed point in a fixed direction (not away from you).

Indirect 3: The effect can come from any point in a fixed direction (not away from you) or a fixed point in any direction.

Indirect 4: The effect can originate from any point and aim in any direction, including towards you (hitting a target in front of you from behind, for example).

Innate +1 Cost Per Rank

An effect with this modifier is an innate part of your nature and unaffected by Nullify (see the Nullify effect). Gamemasters should exercise caution in allowing the application of Innate; the effect must be a truly inborn or essential trait, such as an elephant's size or a ghost's incorporeal nature. If the effect is not something normal to the character's species or type, it probably isn't innate.

Insidious Flat 1 Point

This modifier is similar to the Subtle modifier (later in this section), except Insidious makes the result of an effect harder to detect rather than the effect itself. For example, a target suffering from Insidious Damage isn't even aware he's been damaged. Someone affected by an Insidious Weaken feels fine until some deficiency makes it obvious that he's weaker, and so forth. A target of an Insidious effect may remain unaware of the danger until it's too late!

An Insidious effect is detectable either by a DC 10 skill check (usually Perception, although skills like Expertise, Insight, or Treatment may apply in other cases) or a particular unusual sense, such as an Insidious magical effect noticeable by Detect Magic or Magical Awareness.

Note that Insidious does not make the effect itself harder to notice; apply the Subtle modifier for that. So it is possible for an active Insidious effect to be noticeable: the target can perceive the use of the effect, but not its results: the effect appears "harmless" or doesn't seem to "do anything" since the target cannot detect the results. The asymmetry between Insidious and Subtle, in that Subtle can be completely undetectable, is intentional: it should not ever be impossible to detect the power's result.

Linked 0 Points

This modifier applies to two or more effects, linking them together so they only work in conjunction as one.

The Linked effects need not operate at the same range in which case it is possible to avoid the shorter range while still being hit by the longer. The action required to use the combined effects is the longest of its components and they use a single attack check (if one is required) but each effect's defense check is rolled separately. The Linked effects need not have the same duration however unlike activation which is done as a single action each of them must be maintained separately but if any of them end then the all end. An exception is made for Instant effects so that they activate along with the others but do not cause the others to end and the instant effect will not activate again when each other effect is maintained.

Example: Super Wizard can disappear in a blinding flash of light. The effect is Affliction: visually impaired, visually disabled, visually unaware linked with Sustained Invisibility linked with Concentration Insubstantial. When activating, all 3 effects activate at the same time using a Standard action (because Affliction is the slowest action compared to Free) and on each turn after that he must use a Standard action to concentrate on Insubstantial and a free action to maintain Invisibility. Failing to maintain either of them will cause both to end. If he wants to use the Affliction again he must stop using the other effects then activate them again.

Different Alternate Effects cannot be Linked since they can't be used at the same time by definition. Generally, the same effect cannot be Linked to itself to "multiply" the results of a failed defense check (such as two Linked Damage effects causing "double damage" on a failed check) instead use the higher rank of the two effects. Attacks can't be linked to the same base effects: always use the highest ranking of them. Enhanced Trait (of the same trait) and Healing can also never be linked to themselves. If a power has a choice to be made upon obtaining such as Affliction choosing conditions, Luck Control, or Nullify choosing what it can counter (but not things like Affliction choosing its modifiers and descriptors) then the effect is considered a different base power in order to link them together. For example in the case of Damage limited only to machines linked with Damage limited only to aliens the difference is only a modifier and use the higher ranking one that applies (of course in this case unless it is an alien machine only one or none of them will apply anyway).

This modifier does not change the cost of the component effects; simply add their costs together to get the combined effect's cost.

Example: Captain Thunder has the ability to hurl thunderbolts that shock their targets with electricity and deafen them with powerful claps of thunder. This is a Ranged Damage effect (lightning), costing 2 points per rank, Linked to a Ranged Affliction (deafening thunder), costing 2 points per rank. The combined effect costs 4 points per rank.Since both effects are ranged and require a standard action to use, so does the combined effect. Since Damage requires a Toughness check and Affliction requires a Dodge check, the target checks against them separately, making a Toughness defense check against the damage of the lightning and a Dodge check to avoid being deafened by the thunder. Since the two effects are Linked, Captain Thunder cannot throw a lightning bolt without the deafening thunderclap, nor can he attempt to merely deafen a target without also hitting them with lightning! (To do these things, Cap might take the stand-alone effects as Alternate Effects.)

Multiattack +1 Cost Per Rank

A Multiattack effect allows you to hit multiple targets, or a single target multiple times, in the same standard action. Multiattack can apply to any effect requiring an attack check. If the Multiattack damage is strength based and your strength increases you retain the full benefits of Multiattack.

There are two ways in which a Multiattack effect can be used:

Single Target

To use a Multiattack against a single target, make your attack check normally. If successful by 1 degree then the effect functions normally. If the attack check is successful by 2 degrees then the effect gets a +1 circumstance bonus. If the attack check is successful by 3 degrees or more then the effect gets a +2 circumstance bonus. However if Multiattack is applied to Damage then instead of +1 or +2 circumstance bonus to the effect, there is no bonus and the target gets an additional 1 or 2 bruised penalties for failing.

If an Impervious Defense would ignore the attack before any increase in the DC, then the attack still has no effect as usual; a volley of multiple shots is no more likely to penetrate Impervious Defense than just one.

Multiple Targets

You can use Multiattack to hit multiple targets at once by "walking" or "spraying" the Multiattack across an arc. If you have not yet used your move action then you may use it during this maneuver to attack from any of the squares along the way otherwise each attack must be from where you are now. Roll one attack check per target in the arc with a maximum of 5 targets. You suffer a penalty to each check equal to the total number of targets. So making a Multiattack against five targets is a -5 penalty to each attack check. If you miss one target, you may still attempt to hit the others.

Penetrating Flat 2 Points Per Application

Your effect overcomes Impervious Defense to a degree; the target must make a defense check against an effect rank equal to your Penetrating rank. So, if a rank 4 (Penetrating 2) effect hits a target with Impervious 5, the target must resist a rank 2 effect (equal to the Penetrating rank). If the effect were rank 6, the target would have to resist the full effect anyway, since its rank is greater than the Impervious rank. You cannot have a Penetrating rank greater than your effect rank.

Precise Flat 1 Point

You can use a Precise effect to perform tasks requiring delicacy and fine control, such as using Precise Damage to spot-weld or carve your initials, Precise Move Object to type on a keyboard or pick a lock, Precise Environment to match a particular temperature exactly, and so forth. The GM has final say as to what tasks can be performed with a Precise effect and may require an ability, skill, or power check to determine the degree of precision with any given task.

Reach Flat 1 Point Per Application

Each time you apply this modifier to a close range effect, you extend its reach by 5 feet. This may represent a short-ranged effect or one with a somewhat greater reach, like a whip, spear, or similar weapon. The default reach is 5 feet.

Reversible Flat 1 Point

This can only be applied to Instant duration effects. You can remove conditions caused by your Reversible effects as a free action, so long as the subject is within the effect's range. Examples include undoing the HP loss and damage conditions caused by a Damage effect, repairing damage done by Weaken Toughness, or removing an Affliction instantly. Normally, you have no control over the results of such effects.

Ricochet Flat 1 Point Per Rank

You can ricochet or bounce an attack effect with this modifier off of a solid surface to change its direction. This allows you to attack around corners, overcome cover and possibly make a surprise attack against an opponent. It does not allow you to affect multiple targets. The "bounce" has no effect apart from changing the attack's direction. You must be able to define a clear path for your attack, which must follow a straight line between each ricochet. Each rank in Ricochet allows you to bounce the attack once before it hits. Ricochet may grant a bonus to hit due to surprise, at the GM's discretion.

Selective +1 Cost Per Rank

A resistible effect with this extra is discriminating, allowing you to decide who is and is not affected by it. This is most useful for area effects (see the Area extra). You must be able to accurately perceive a target in order to decide whether or not to affect it. Any target that is not perceived can only be affected if you decide to affect that entire square, this includes the floor and all inanimate objects if the effect can affect objects. For a degree of selectivity with non-resistible effects, use the Precise modifier.

Split Flat 1 Point Per Rank

With this modifier, a resistible effect that works on one target can split between two. The attacker chooses how many ranks to apply to each target up to the effect's total rank. So a rank 10 effect could be split 5/5, 4/6, 2/8, 10/0 (for a single target), or any other total adding up to 10. If an attack check is required, the attacker makes one, comparing the results against each target. Each target must be within range from where you are now, the effect splits before leaving your square. The effect works on each target at its reduced rank.

If the power has a duration longer than Instant you may end any number of ranks at a time so that you may use some on another target. The number of affected targets must still not exceed your number of Split ranks. If a single target is under an effect and splits into multiple targets, such as the feature Fission or by destroying the object, it is still considered a single target to that power and the effect applies to each of them until the effect is completely removed from each target.

Each additional rank of this modifier allows the power to split an additional time, so rank 2 allows an effect to split among three targets, then four, and so forth. An effect cannot split to fractional ranks per target and cannot apply more than one split to the same target. Thus the maximum Split rank equals the effect's rank. If you have a large number of ranks in Split consider a Selective Area instead.

Subtle Flat 1-2 Points

Subtle effects are not as noticeable. A subtle effect may be used to catch a target unaware and may in some cases qualify for a surprise attack. Rank 1 makes an effect difficult to notice; a DC 10 Perception check is required, or the effect is noticeable only to certain exotic senses (at the GM's discretion). Rank 2 makes the effect completely undetectable.

Variable Descriptor Flat 1-2 Points

You can change the descriptors of an effect with this modifier, varying them as a free action once per round. With rank 1, you can apply any of a closely related group of descriptors, such as weather, electromagnetic, temperature, and so forth. With rank 2, you can apply any of a broad group, such as any mental, magical, or technological descriptor. You can add or remove any number of descriptors but must always have at least the one that describes the category such as mental or magical. The GM decides if a given descriptor is appropriate in conjunction with a particular effect and this modifier.