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Type: Attack • Action: Standard • Range: Ranged • Duration: Instant • Cost: 3 points per rank

Nullify can counter particular effects of a particular descriptor, such as fire effects, magical effects, mental effects, technology effects, and so forth (see Countering Effects). The Gamemaster has the final say if something is too broad such as mutant if all powers are mutant. You can counter one effect of your chosen descriptor per use of Nullify. You can't apply Variable Descriptor to this power. You can't nullify innate effects.

Ready an action to respond to the user of a power or take a standard action to counter an ongoing effect. When the countering occurs make a ranged attack check to hit the target. Then make an opposed check of your Nullify rank and the targeted effect's rank (as normal). You reduce the opponent's effect rank by your results. If your result was higher or equal then the effect is canceled (or "countered"). See countering effects for more details.

Also see Resistance to be immune to a power descriptor rather than canceling the effect.


Aura: If Nullify has an Area and an Aura (a Big Aura) then it will act as a barrier against the chosen descriptors automatically reducing effects when entering range. In this case Nullify uses a routine check without rolling dice (although the opposing effect still might). See Aura for cost and details.

Affects Insubstantial: Nullify does not require this modifier to affect insubstantial targets, or the Insubstantial effect itself. You can attempt to nullify the effects of insubstantial targets normally.

Area: An Area Nullify effect works on all targets in the area. Make a single power check and compare the result against the opposed checks of the targets. Targets lacking effects you can nullify are, naturally, unaffected. Keep in mind that if you do not have the Simultaneous extra then each target must be using the same power to be affected. For example if there are people using magic based Flight and people with magic based protection both within range and you use Nullify: Magic to counter the Flight then the protected ones will not be affected unless you have Simultaneous. See Area for cost and details.

Simultaneous: Simultaneous Nullify can counter all effects of a particular descriptor (such as fire or magic) at once. +1 cost per rank.

Precise: If you can Nullify multiple effects, this modifier allows you to choose which are nullified and which are not. Flat +1 point.

Randomize: Rather than being countered, the effect(s) targeted by your Nullify acquire the Uncontrolled flaw and go out of control (as dictated by the GM). +0 cost per rank.

Selective: If you have an Area Nullify effect, this extra allows you to choose who in the area is affected, nullifying some targets and not others. +1 cost per rank.

Variable Descriptor: You can't apply Variable Descriptor to Nullify.


Side Effect: If you fail to nullify an effect, you might suffer some kind of "backlash" or similar side effect. -1 cost per rank.