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Type: Defense • Action: None • Range: Personal • Duration: Permanent • Cost: 1 point per rank

Protection shields you against damage, giving you +1 to your Toughness defense per rank. So Protection 4 gives you +4 Toughness. Although this is simply Enhanced Trait: Toughness there is a key difference in that this is layered. First of all since this isn't Enhanced Trait you may apply Area Affects Others to this thus protecting everyone within range. In which case (even without selective) attacks can go out but not come in. But more notably that being layered means that it is redundant with other forms of enhanced toughness. For example a hero with Toughness 3 will not benefit from wearing armor of Protection 1 likewise while wearing an armor with Protection 3 having Toughness 1 is irrelevant unless the attack ignores or otherwise pierces armor (neither currently possible). In the same way wearing 2 layers of Protection 2 armor is redundant but in contrast having a necklace of Enhanced Trait: Toughness Affects Others Only will increase toughness of the wearer higher than what it already is, as long as it is still within the power level limitations. As an exception the Defensive Roll advantage stacks with both toughness and protection.


Reflect: You can reflect attacks back at the attacker as a free action. First, you must successfully resist the attack using your protection's toughness, then make a normal attack check using your own attack modifier but the attack effect's normal rank to hit with the reflected attack. It has its normal effect if it hits. +1 cost per rank.

Redirect: You must first have the Reflect extra to take this one. You can redirect the reflected attack at any target within the attack's normal range. +1 cost per rank.

Selective: By default attacks are always allowed out but never allowed in. With this extra you can choose which attacks are allowed through (in either direction). In the case of an Area protection you can also choose who within the area benefits from the effect. +1 cost per rank.

Free Modifiers

Sustained (Decreased Duration 2): Your Protection is a sustained effect, rather than permanent. The effect can be turned on and off and can be improved using extra effort, including using it to perform stunts (see Extra Effort). Sustained Protection might be a power like a personal force field, or the ability to consciously harden your skin and turn it into armor. +0