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Enhanced Trait

Type: General • Action: Free • Range: Personal • Duration: Sustained • Cost: As base Trait

You can temporarily improve one of your existing traits, chosen when you take this effect. While this effect is active, you increase the affected trait by its rank. So, for example, Enhanced Strength 5 increases your Strength by +5 while it is active. Your enhanced trait is still subject to power level limits, so your unenhanced rank must be below the limit by at least the amount of the enhancement to accommodate it.

The cost of Enhanced Trait is the same per rank as acquiring a rank in the affected trait. The key differences is that Enhanced Trait is a power effect being supernatural rather than a natural trait. Just like all powers Enhanced Abilities can be nullified, can have modifiers, can be acquired via power stunts, and can be improved with extra effort.

Toughness can be Enhanced using this power (there is no other way to put ranks into toughness) at the base cost of 1 point per rank.

Enhanced Trait can be used for any trait except powers which means that can be used for Abilities, Advantages, Skills, and Defense but not Powers, Devices, or Equipment. Note that when an Ability is changed Skills and Defenses are affected.


Decreased Duration (Permanent): Enhanced Trait can be made permanent as normal. The difference between a Permanent Enhanced Trait and buying the trait directly is that the Enhanced Trait is considered a power. Like all powers it can be Nullified, Mimiced, and is subject to a power loss complication.+0 cost per rank.

Limited: Enhanced Traits are often Limited in some fashion, such as Nighttime (or Daytime) Only, While Angry (or in another emotional state), Underwater (or in some other environment), and so forth. A limit that rarely comes into play--like losing your Enhanced Trait during a new moon--can be handled as a power loss complication. See Complications in The Basics for details. -1 cost per rank.

Reduced Trait: One or more of your traits is lowered while others are enhanced. This flaw is worth as many points as the reduction in the affected trait(s). So, for example, if you lose Intellect while you gain in Strength, treat the value of the lost Intellect ranks as the value of the flaw. As with all flaws, the effect must still cost at least 1 character point. -Flat points equal to the lowered trait.