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Effect: Variable, Move Action • Cost: 9 points per rank

You can duplicate the traits of another character you can accurately perceive. You gain (Mimic rank x 5) character points worth of traits the target has, up to a maximum of the target's rank. If you can only mimic some traits, apply the Limited flaw to this power.

Some Mimics are Limited to only copying subjects they can touch, requiring a successful close attack check to touch an unwilling subject. Also see Shapeshift for duplicating the traits of animals.


Aura: Although this isn't an attack, a limited version of Aura can be applied to mimic. The power must be Personal range with an action of Standard. The action type becomes reaction (as normal). When touched you lose the powers of your previous subject (since you can only do 1 subject at a time) and must spend points to mimic the new subject. You may spend points in any order you like but must continue spending them until there is nothing left you can buy. Note that this includes being touched by someone without powers. You can end the duration of mimic as normal but activation is required when touched unless it is also Selective. If multiple people are touching you at the same time then you may chose which person to mimic. The effect is otherwise the same except that "Big Aura" isn't allowed and the cost is different. See Aura for details. -1 cost per rank