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Type: Defense • Action: None • Range: Personal • Duration: Permanent • Cost: 3 points per rank

You can better resist certain descriptors. When taken choose a descriptor or a base power to resist. The descriptor chosen can include natural causes such as suffocation. You can't apply the Variable Descriptor modifier to this power. If you have more than one Resistance of the same type then only the highest applies. However if you have multiple Resistance of different types it is possible for each to apply to the same effect.

When you are affected by that descriptor after you roll an activate defense but before you roll a passive defense, subtract your Resistance rank from that power as though Resistance was automatically countering that effect. If the effect would be reduced to 0 or less then you are immune to the effect but the effect isn't countered (and therefore an area effect will still affect others). If you are have more than one Resistance that might make you immune they each subtract. For example if you have Fire Resistance 5 and Magic Resistance 5 and are attacked by magical fire then subtract 10. If the effect isn't reduced to 0 or less then roll your passive defense normally.

This power has a maximum rank equal to the power level. Note that this is more worth while than Enhanced Trait: Toughness limited to fire (1 point per 2 ranks) because: you can have both this and high toughness and this will resist effects that are not resisted by toughness. This power is cheaper than a Nullify Aura at the cost of only making you immune instead of ending the effect (there is little difference for single target attacks).


Area: If you make Resistance an area effect then everyone (or everything) in the area will benefit. There is little difference between this and Nullify Aura. See Area for cost and details.