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Type: General • Action: Free • Range: Personal • Duration: Sustained • Cost: 5 points per rank

You can assume a less solid form. You can switch between normal and Insubstantial form as a free action during your turn. The default is that substantial is your "normal" form, but the GM may permit you to make Insubstantial your "normal" form, in which case remaining solid is a sustained duration for you! When choosing this power choose one of the below capabilities the number of ranks listed is the minimum number of ranks needed to use that power, all ranks above the minimum act as Phantom Ranks.

1 Rank - Fluid

You become a fluid mass. You can flow through any sort of opening, under (or around) doors, through keyholes and pipes, and so forth. You cannot pass through watertight seals. You can automatically flow out of any restraint--such as a snare or grab--that is not watertight. So you cannot flow out of a bubble completely enclosing you, for example, but anything less cannot hold you. You can exert your normal Strength and can still push or carry objects, although your manual dexterity may be limited (at the GM's discretion).

A fluid character may attempt to catch a falling person or object, cushioning the fall with the character's flexible form. This requires a move action, and reduces the falling damage by the cushioning character's Toughness bonus (representing flexibility in this case). Both characters must make defense checks against the remaining damage. Higher rank insubstantial forms--lacking physical Strength--cannot attempt this.

2 Ranks - Gaseous

You become a cloud of gas or fine particles. You have no effective Strength in gaseous form, but have Immunity to Physical Damage. Energy and area attacks still affect you normally. You can flow through any opening that is not airtight. You can use your various other effects normally.

3 Ranks - Energy

You become coherent energy. You have no effective Strength, but have Immunity to Physical Damage. Energy attacks (other than the energy making up your form, to which you have Immunity) damage you normally. You can pass through solid objects permeable to your type of energy, but energy resistant barriers, like heavy shielding or force fields, block your movement.

4 Ranks - Incorporeal

You become an incorporeal phantom. You can pass through solid matter at your normal speed and you have Immunity to Physical and Energy Damage. Sensory effects (other than tactile) and effects resisted by Will still work on you, as do effects with the Affects Insubstantial modifier. Choose one other reasonably common effect or descriptor that works on you while you are incorporeal. You have no effective Strength and cannot affect the physical world, except with effects with the Affects Corporeal modifier. Your sensory effects work normally.

Insubstantial Descriptors

Note that the fluid, gaseous, etc., rank names are themselves essentially descriptors for the different Insubstantial effects. A character with Insubstantial 1 might instead be a stretchable, rubbery form rather than a liquid, for example, while one with Insubstantial 2 could transform into a swarm of insects rather than a gas.

Inside Objects

Fluid and Gaseous types can move through certain kinds of barriers at a speed equal to normal movement speed -2. Energy and Incorporeal type can move through solid objects with an effective Permeate (that is not strength based) of the same rank (see Permeate for the speed). While inside an object you effectively have Flight moving at a maximum speed equal to your normal maximum speed. Unless you have Immunity to Suffocation, you must hold your breath while passing through a solid object unless the object is not air tight. Note that being inside an object provides cover and possibly concealment. In the case of total cover, the cover needs to be destroyed before you can be damaged.

If you revert to solid form while inside a solid object for any reason, you suffer damage equal to the object's Toughness, resisted by your Fortitude, followed by being resisted by your Toughness as normal. When determining the object's Toughness use the thickness of the amount of your body that is inside the object. At the same time the parts of the object that you are inside take damage equal to your Toughness. Each of these damages happen every round you remain solid inside a solid object until either you or the object is destroyed. You are not ejected to the nearest open space regardless of HP (although if the object is destroyed an empty space is created) you remain in the same space. If you would like to be ejected apply the Feature modifier and describe what happens.


Affects Corporeal: This extra is required for any effect that works on corporeal targets while you are incorporeal. See the description of this extra for details and cost.

Affects Others: This modifier allows you to extend your Insubstantial effect to another character by touch, taking them Insubstantial with you. If you ever withdraw the effect while someone is inside a solid object, see the effect's description for the unpleasant results. +0 or +1 cost per rank.

Precise: This modifier allows you to selectively make some portions of your body insubstantial while keeping others substantial (or vice versa). This allows you to do things like reach through a wall, solidify your hand to pick up an object or tap someone on the shoulder (or punch them in the face), and become incorporeal again to withdraw it on the following round. Flat +1 point.

Subtle: This extra makes your Insubstantial nature less noticeable to observers. Rank 1 requires a Perception check (DC 10) to detect that you are Insubstantial, while 2 ranks mean you look entirely normal in Insubstantial form (which may cause opponents to waste effort on you, not knowing you are immune to their attacks, for example). Flat +1 or 2 points.

Free Modifiers

Permanent: You are always Insubstantial; you cannot assume solid form, although your Insubstantial effect can still be Nullified unless it is also Innate.

Progressive: You can assume lower ranked forms of Insubstantial, but you must progress through them in order to reach the higher-ranked ones. For example if you have Progressive Insubstantial 3, you can assume fluid, gaseous, or energy forms, but to assume energy form, you must first progress through fluid and gaseous, becoming less and less substantial. Since you can only activate the effect once during your turn, it takes you three turns to get there. This is a free modifier because it gives you more versatility at the cost of being slower to use.


Absent Strength: This flaw applies only to rank 1 Insubstantial and removes your effective Strength while in that form, leaving you with limited ability to affect the physical world like the higher ranks of the effect. Flat -1 point.

Limited: Instead of taking no damage from physical attacks you only take half damage (rounded down). This can't be applied to Fluid type. In the case of Energy type this also applies to Energy Damage done to you. -1 per rank