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Phantom Ranks

Type: General • Action: Free • Range: Personal • Duration: Sustained • Cost: 3 points per rank

You can temporarily make a power, chosen when you take this effect, more resistant to being countered. While this effect is active, each rank in Phantom Ranks counts as ranks for that power when performing a power check to resist being countered. This doesn't count for power checks used to counter another power, power checks against Resistance, or any other kind of power check. The reason why a character would buy Phantom Ranks instead of simply more ranks of that power is because Phantom Ranks are not limited by power level limits. Some effects have Phantom Ranks built in, such as having more than 4 ranks of Insubstantial, in which case the Phantom Ranks are Permanent duration and can't be modified. So, for example, Insubstantial 7 allows you to become Incorporeal but is harder to Nullify than Insubstantial 4 would be, on the other hand you could also have Insubstantial 1 with 6 Phantom Ranks to become a fluid-like form and be equally resistant to Nullify (or other countering powers).