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Type: Defense • Action: None • Range: Personal • Duration: Permanent • Cost: Varies

You are immune to certain effects, automatically succeeding on any defense check against them (most do not have would-be defense checks). When taking this power choose one of the following options each must be taken as different powers.

To clarify: immunity can't be countered as long as it has permanent duration, this means that you can't counter an immunity when it occurs (it is not a reaction to the event).

If you'd like to have immunity from something not listed here then it needs to be minor and is probably worth 1 point but consult your GM first. You can never be immune to anything that causes damage nor anything extremely broad such as "all viruses".

There are some circumstances where a character or object will be immune to an effect such as a sword that can't harm the pure of heart or a mental power that only works on characters who have delta brain waves. This is a complication or limitation flaw but not immunity.

Note that immunity to motion sickness (this includes sea sickness and car sickness) is redundant since by default people do not get motion sick. If you would like motion sickness see complications.


Cost: 1 point

Your character doesn't suffer from the downsides of natural aging (namely death). You can still die from other causes. How old your character appears to be is up to you. Note however that your character is normal adult human size by default for anything smaller see shrinking. Additionally you may want to consider complications that are a result of not aging.

The GM may allow this immunity to provide protection from all forms of ageing (this isn't immortality), otherwise use Resistance to Ageing Effects.

Natural Heat

Cost: 1 point

You are immune to natural heat such that you do not need to make any Fortitude checks because of heat (uncomfortable, intense, or extreme) as described in Environment: heat and cold. This does not make you immune to heat damage even from natural sources such as fire, lava, smoke etc.

Natural Cold

Cost: 1 point

You are immune to natural cold such that you do not need to make any Fortitude checks because of heat (uncomfortable, intense, or extreme) as described in Environment: heat and cold. This does not make you immune to cold damage even from natural sources such as liquid nitrogen or supercooled water.

Starvation And Thirst

Cost: 1 point

You do not need to eat or drink to survive and thus are not subject to starvation rules. More generally you can survive without any kind of required maintenance except sleep unless you are immune to that as well.

If you would like your character to require something like sunlight or rocks instead of food or drink then either use character description or a complication depending on the abundance of the required thing. If the thing required is hard to fail to obtain, such as sunlight, then take this immunity and have a complication which states that you will either die or lose powers (at a minimum this one) without the required thing. For anything else, such as electricity, do not take this immunity and with your Gamemaster's approval have this thing count as both food and water.


Cost: 1 point

You do not require sleep and are unaffected by sleep deprivation rules. You may still fall asleep by choice and can be forced asleep by fatigue (see progressive conditions). You can still gain the conditions Fatigued, Exhausted, and Asleep and do not get a bonus to resist fatigue effects such as affliction (with appropriate descriptors) or forced labor.

Your Own Powers

Cost: 1 point

You are immune to your own powers except removable powers, equipment, and unarmed attacks. Area attacks by default don't hurt the user and this immunity does not protect you from the side effect flaw. The main purpose of this immunity is so that you can obtain clothing immune to your powers although the Gamemaster may permit such clothing to be free of charge. Another benefit of this immunity is that if you are being compelled or controlled you won't be able to hurt yourself (except with removable powers, equipment, or unarmed attacks).

Very Narrow Descriptor

Cost: 1 point

By default this immunity is not allowed however the Gamemaster may permit it for certain cases. You are immune to a very narrow descriptor such as a close sibling's powers, or 3rd generation star lab nanobots. Generally this should be handled by Resistance so that it could be overpowered or by selective so that the user chooses who is affected.

Natural Pressure

Cost: 1 point

You do not get decompression sickness and can tolerate a wider range of pressure without issue. You can tolerate no pressure (a vacuum) and a maximum high pressure equal to the bottom of Earth's ocean. Pressure that is any higher acts as Damage which you have no bonus towards (whether the pressure is naturally occurring or not). Even at these extremely high pressures you do get decompression sickness. There is no pressure below your threshold since a vacuum is the minimum possible pressure (having no pressure at all).


Cost: 1 or 2 points

For 1 point you can breathe normally in 1 environment that would normally cause suffocation such as underwater, on mars, being able to breathe dirt, etc. All other types of suffocation affect you normally.

For 2 points you do not need to breathe at all. And thus are not subject to suffocation in any environment.


Cost: 3 points

In order to survive a Vacuum this Immunity includes Immunity to all Suffocation (2 points) and Immunity to natural pressure (1 point). It does not include protection from radiation for that take Resistance to radiation.

Sensory Effects

Cost: 5 points

You are immune to sensory based effects notably Affliction (eg a flash-bang). Unlike normal people when a sense is maxed out it does not cause pain and is not temporarily disabled. All of your senses still work normally and you can still feel pain but there's a maximum that you can sense (anything above which is sensed as the maximum instead). This makes you immune to physical torture but does not protect against mental torture.

A robot is an example use of this immunity: the sensors may max out but cause no further issue. Note that this makes you immune to all sensory based effects including Sense-Dependent powers, skills, and circumstances (which may not have a defined trait at all).

Life Support

Cost: 6 points

This immunity includes everything that can be given for a human to survive: Immunity to natural heat (1 point), Immunity to natural cold (1 point), Immunity to natural pressure (1 point), Immunity to all suffocation (2 points), and Immunity to starvation and thirst (1 point).


Cost: 30 points

You must have a Stamina of 0 before buying this. This immunity makes you immune to all forms of fatigue. This includes being immune to sleep. You are immune to Fatigue and Exhausted and never run out of Stamina.

You are immune to the effects of Fatigue and Exhausted (ie they do nothing) but can still obtain them for the sake of tracking things like heat exhaustion. Fatigue and Exhausted can be healed as normal including by resting. You can still fall asleep by choice but can't be forced to obtain the asleep condition. If you are Exhausted and are affected by Fatigue you remain Exhausted instead of becoming Asleep (the condition does not progress and nothing happens).

You can't have the tiring flaw and can only use extra effort by spending a victory point (rather than becoming Fatigued).

Your Stamina becomes ∞ except for calculating Fortitude and Toughness for which your Stamina is considered 0. You are immune to Weaken: Stamina (note that this Immunity itself is still affected by Weaken). You are immune to Stamina penalties (from conditions or circumstances). You automatically pass all ability and skill checks that use Stamina. You do not make Fortitude checks because of long lasting endurance and are therefore immune to half of the forced labor rules (you are still affected by unusually difficult labor).

Degrees Of Immunity

Some Immunity effects are a matter of degree. For example, "immunity to cold" can range from the environmental effects of cold (described under The Environment) to cold damage, to complete immunity to all effects with the "cold" descriptor. The first requires only 1 rank, and provides no resistance to other sorts of cold effects. The second and third require Resistance which might provides immunity to cold Damage and all other effects with the "cold" descriptor whatever they may be but can only handle a certain threshold. No one can become immune to all Damage: no matter how strong any defense can be overwhelmed.


Affects Others: This extra allows you to grant the benefits of your Immunity to others by touch. Immunity: life support could, for example, maintain a life support "bubble" around you. +1 cost per rank.

Ranged: Affects Others Immunity may have this extra, allowing it to grant its benefits at range. +1 cost per rank.

Free Modifiers

Sustained: Sustained duration Immunity may be suitable for certain types of powers, particularly force fields or similar protective abilities requiring a modicum of concentration. It is a net +0 modifier from Immunity's base permanent duration.


Limited to Half Effect: You suffer half the normal effect rather than being entirely immune to it. This can't be applied to immunity to fatigue. For environmental effects, you only make checks half as often. For other effects, halve the effect's rank (round down) before determining its defense check DC, including for things like Impervious. -1 cost per rank.