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Type: Defense • Action: None • Range: Personal • Duration: Permanent • Cost: 5 points per rank

You can recover from death! If your condition becomes dead, you return to life after a time. Subtract your Immortality rank from a time rank of 22 (9.6 months) to determine how long it takes. So Immortality 15, for example, restores you to life in just 13 minutes (22 - 15 = time rank 7). The maximum rank is 15. When you recover you have full HP and all your conditions are removed. But you also lose all accumulated victory points, starting over with none (see Gameplay Rules: Death for other side effects). Your body is repaired in the same fashion as Regenerate except the time interval is equal to the time of your immortality instead of each minute and that dead body parts can be used as a base for repair. Your body can repair even from ash as long as the matter still exists it can be done. The body part being used as base determines your current location.

Immortality that isn't removable can only have a duration of Permanent or Continuous since upon death it would not be possible to perform the required action. A device with Immortality Affects Others can have any duration but the required action must be done during each round like normal, if the action is Slow then the action takes as long as the Immortality time period. The target must first be subjected to the effect when alive and must remain under its influence during this time interval: powers can't be granted to the dead.


New Body: Instead of repairing your previous body a new body is created in the same square as where you died. For another application you can instead choose where the new body is created, you can choose any valid well known location within the same dimension and time (including timeline). You must choose where your new body is being built as soon as you die. Inside of an object is never a valid location even if you have Insubstantial. Same Place: Flat 1 point. Anywhere: Flat 2 points.

Sudden: Instead of your body being repaired over the time interval it is repaired instantly (over a time rank of -3: 0.75 seconds). +1 cost per rank.


Original Body: Immortality can't repair your body. And since no other powers function beyond death you must have outside help to repair your body. Your body must always be in full working condition before you can be revived and death always causes at least minor damage that needs to be healed. You can't have the New Body or Sudden modifiers as long as you have the Original Body modifier. -4 cost per rank.

Limited: You must specify a reasonably common circumstances (or set of uncommon ones) that keeps you from recovering from death, such as beheading, cremation, a stake through the heart, and so forth. Even then, if the effect is somehow removed or reversed (e.g. the stake is removed from your corpse) you may still be able to come back. -1 cost per rank.