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Type: Defense • Action: None • Range: Personal • Duration: Permanent • Cost: 3 points per rank

You recover quickly from damage. Recover you rank in HP every minute (10 rounds) spread out as evenly as possible. So with Regeneration 5, you regain 1 HP every other round, every round with Regeneration 10, and 2 HP per round with Regeneration 20. Many of the modifiers that can be applied to Healing can also be applied to Regeneration and are listed below. Note that Resurrection can't be applied since duration ends upon death, instead see Immortality.


Persistent: You can regenerate even Incurable damage or afflictions (if you also have Restorative) of equal or lower rank than the number of Persistent ranks (see the Incurable modifier). If the affliction effect is of greater rank then instead the condition's effect rank is subtracted by your persistent rank for determining other forms of healing, natural or otherwise. If the damage effect is of greater rank then your Regeneration can't affect that damage at all. Flat +1 point per application.

Precise: You have fine control over your Regeneration so that you can choose what is healed first instead of the most severe. Flat +1 point.

Regenerative: You can can regenerate limbs and other parts that wouldn't normally heal. This creates new body parts (from nothing) using the current body parts as a base. There must be at least a single living cell used as base material. The mass rank that you are missing is equal to the amount of HP you need to substitute. For each 1 HP that would be recovered reduces the mass rank needed by 1 thus each 1 HP instead creates half of the missing mass. If the mass missing is rank 0 instead all of it is regenerated. The GM may use volume if mass is not appropriate. This is more severe than recovering HP or conditions so that it will be done first. +1 cost per rank.

Restorative: Your Regeneration can remove afflictions. HP that would be restored is instead (if it is more severe) used as a defense bonus for recovering from that affliction instead of recovering that much HP. For conditions that aren't afflictions: a bruised penalty is 1 HP each and Weaken is 1 HP per point recovered. This has no effect on Bound, Restrained, HP conditions and those imposed by circumstances such as a sticky floor. This also can't undo Mind Switch or Mental Transform. +1 cost per rank.


Source: Your Regeneration only works when you have access to a particular source to replenish yourself, such as blood, electricity, sand, scrap metal, sunlight, and so forth. -1 cost per rank.

Sudden: Instead of gaining HP evenly over each minute you regain the HP instantly (over a time rank of -3: 0.75 seconds) every minute. You still recover the same amount of HP you would without this flaw. -1 cost per rank