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Type: General • Action: Standard • Range: Close • Duration: Instant • Cost: 2 points per rank

You can heal wounds: removing Damage conditions from the subject and recovering HP. Make a DC 2 Healing power check, you may heal HP equal to the difference of success, starting with the subject's worst condition, and working down, as if the subject were recovering rapidly. You decide which conditions are the most severe but the GM may overrule. If the subject is dying (which is the most severe) the subject first recovers 1 HP in order to stabilize. If the Healing check fails, you must wait one minute or use extra effort in order to try again. If you tie against the DC, instead of being a failure the subject recovers no HP but you may try again on the following round without penalty.

You can also grant a subject a bonus equal to your Healing rank on defense checks against effects with disease or poison descriptors. The bonus applies to the subject's next defense check against the effect.

You can use Healing on yourself, provided you are still capable of taking the action required. Healing can't have an action of free (or reaction), for automatic healing see Regeneration.


Affects Objects: Your Healing can also "heal" damage to objects. You can remove damage conditions (bend, break, or destroyed) as normal and with the Regenerative modifier you can rebuild mass as normal. Without Regenerative you must first gather the pieces to mend it (bend and break have few pieces). If you want your healing to lose effectiveness against living subjects this modifier is free. Objects Only: +0 points. Any Target: +1 cost per rank.

Persistent: Your Healing can remove even Incurable effects of equal or lower rank than the number of Persistent ranks (see the Incurable modifier). If the incurable effect is higher rank than your healing can't affect that condition at all. Flat +1 point per application.

Precise: You have fine control over your Healing so that you can choose what is healed first instead of the most severe. Flat +1 point.

Regenerative: You can can regenerate limbs and other parts that wouldn't normally heal. This creates new body parts (from nothing) using the current body parts as a base. There must be at least a single living cell used as base material. First the GM determines an amount of mass missing (or volume if more appropriate). You roll a Healing power check as normal but can substitute 1 HP of healing to regenerate half of the missing mass thus subtracting 1 from the missing mass rank. If the missing mass becomes rank 0 (or less) then the subject is completely regenerated. +1 cost per rank.

Restorative: Your Healing effect can remove afflictions. Perform a Heal power check as normal but you can (if it is more severe) use the difference of success as a defense bonus for the subject when recovering from that affliction instead of recovering that much HP. This defense bonus can also be used to overcome Mind Switch or Mental Transform. For conditions that aren't afflictions: a bruised penalty is 1 HP each and Weaken is 1 HP per point recovered. This has no effect on Bound, Restrained, HP conditions, and those imposed by circumstances such as a sticky floor. +1 cost per rank.

Resurrection: You can restore life to the dead! The body must be relatively intact before revival is possible: all wounds will seal up but the body must be intact enough to function. A Healing power check is required with DC equal to 10 + 3 per 5 minutes subject has been dead (rounded down with a minimum DC of 10). For example if the target has been dead for 13 minutes then the DC is 16. If successful, the subject's HP is -2 and is stabilized. If the check fails, you can only try again using extra effort. +1 cost per rank.


Empathic: When you successfully cure someone else from damage, you acquire that damage yourself. Using this power on yourself does nothing. Area Empathic Healing is an unwise combination, as the healer takes on all of the damage of the affected subjects at once! You can use Healing and Regeneration to cure your own conditions. You can have the Resurrection modifier for Healing, but if you successfully use it, you die! This may not be as bad as it seems if you have Immortality, allowing you to return to life (see the Immortality effect for details). -1 cost per rank.

Limited: Examples of ways in which Healing may be Limited include: One Type of Damage (such as energy or bludgeoning damage), Objects (in conjunction with Affects Objects), Others (you can't use Healing on yourself), or Self (you can only use Healing on yourself). -1 cost per rank.

Personal: This modifier can only be applied if the range is close. The range is decreased from close to personal like Reduced Range. This means that the effect works normally but only on yourself. -1 cost per rank.

Temporary: The benefits of your Healing are temporary, lasting for one hour. The subject then regains any damage you healed. This damage stacks with other damage the subject has acquired since the initial healing, which may result in more severe damage or even death. -1 cost per rank.