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Luck Control

Type: Control • Action: Reaction • Range: Perception • Duration: Instant • Cost: 3 points per rank

You can use victory points (including those provided by the Lucky advantage) to affect others in various ways (see victory points). Please note that people will not dismiss this as just superstition since its usage is clearly visible unless you apply the subtle extra. When choosing this power choose one of the following capabilities: Good luck to allies, Good luck for yourself, or Bad luck to enemies (each have multiple effects).

  • Good luck to allies. You can spend a victory point on another character's behalf, with the normal benefits and restrictions. Reaction condition: someone else spending a victory point.

  • Good luck to allies. You can bestow your victory point on others. You can use this only once on any given character in a round, but the recipient may use the bestowed point(s) normally but will lose it when victory points reset (as normal). A special victory point from Lucky must still follow the same restriction. Reaction condition: None: unlike the other possible effects, this one can only be used as a Free action rather than Reaction.

  • Good luck for yourself. You can cause something normally out of your control to happen or to randomly pick correctly among choices. Without spending a victory point you can guarantee success when the odds at least 1 in 2 (50%) in your favor. This can only be used for a single event at a time. For example if you flip 2 coins at the same time you can force them to land on the same sides but can't choose whether it is heads or tails. Reaction condition: when any random event occurs that doesn't involve rolling fudge dice. This condition is intentionally vague so that the character may control anything that the GM considers likely. This can't be used for any skill check etc.

  • Good luck for yourself. You can spend a victory point to cause something normally out of your control to happen or to randomly pick correctly among choices. For this use you must spend a victory point to get guarantee success when the odds are 1 in 100 (1%). For each victory point spent multiply the odds by 100 (1 in 10,000 (0.01%) etc) with a maximum of 1 in 10 billion (0.000 000 01%) with 5 victory points. Reaction condition: when any random event occurs that doesn't involve rolling fudge dice. This condition is intentionally vague so that the character may control anything that the GM considers possible but unlikely. This can't do the impossible (0% chance) and can't be used for any skill check etc.

    Example: Mr. Impossible, as a parlor trick, hands the customer a deck of cards and tells her to shuffle it while thinking of a card, he then spends a victory point to ensure that the top card on the deck is exactly the card she was thinking of.

  • Bad luck to enemies. You can spend one of your victory point to negate someone else's use of a victory point (including those from the Lucky advantage). Spending a special victory point (from the Lucky advantage) this way can only negate the use of a victory point used to Improve Roll (even if a special one wasn't used for it). You and your opponent may do this any number of times. Reaction condition: someone else spending a victory point.

  • Bad luck to enemies. You can spend a victory point (including special ones from the Lucky advantage) to force someone else to reroll a dice roll and take the worse of the two rolls. Before rolling the target may spend a victory point (including special ones) to counter this usage of Luck Control (the target does not need the Luck Control power to do this, the 2 simply cancel each other without any dice rolling). You and your opponent may do this any number of times. Reaction condition: someone else rolling fudge dice for any reason.

There are no refunds if a spent victory point's effect is negated (via Luck Control or otherwise). All options except the second can in turn be negated by another's Luck Control. As normal, Nullify can negate any of the uses of Luck Control.

Characters can't be compelled or controlled to use extra effort or victory points which means that you can't be forced to use Luck Control: your luck might fail you but it will never turn against you. Despite having an action of Reaction, Luck Control requires you to be conscious and choose to activate the effect (it never functions while you are unconscious and never without permission). Therefore the Selective extra is built in and can't be applied again.


Area: Your Luck Control effect works equally on all targets in the affected area. You spend a victory point for each subject. If you can't afford affecting each character within range then the closest ones (the Gamemaster's choice) are affected first until no more can be affected. You must apply the same effect to all subjects at once. +1 cost per rank.


Reduced Range: Luck Control normally requires no attack check; if Ranged or Close range, it does. -1 cost per rank per application.

Side Effect: As a particular side effect of Luck Control, if your effort to alter luck fails, you lose another victory point (not a special one). If you do not have another normal victory point then the next time you would receive one it is automatically taken effectively the GM gains a "free" complication against you. You can't use Luck Control again until your debt is repaid. On Failure: -1 cost per rank; Always Happens: -2 cost per rank.

Slower Action: If the action required for Luck Control is slowed down any, it is only usable during your turn each round, which limits its usefulness in responding to the actions of others. -1 cost per rank per application.