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Reality Warp

Type: Control • Based on: Selective TransformAction: Free • Range: Perception • Duration: Continuous • Cost: 80 points

Instead of transforming matter you can alter physics. The selective modifier is built in for free. You may increase or decrease values, you can affect only certain areas, you can add or remove laws of physics entirely. Such as reversing the gravity of all black holes, causing time to slow down in a 30 ft cube, revoking the inverse square law, or reversing strong and weak nuclear forces so that every atom in the universe explodes (including your own). This power can easily cause widespread destruction and chaos but is not intended for that purpose. If you are affecting an area, that isn't an entire universe, then you must be within perception range of the center of the area affected. If you are affecting an entire universe then you must be within perception of any point of that universe. This power has 16 Phantom Ranks and you can't increase its ranks directly, you must use more Phantom Ranks.

Characters with this power can choose to be unaffected by physics thus making some forms of Immunity obsolete.


Dimensional: You can affect other dimensions. See modifiers for more details on the scope. You can now create bridges and interactions between the dimensions. see modifiers for cost