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Type: Movement • Action: Move • Range: Personal • Duration: Instant • Cost: 1 point per rank

You can make prodigious leaps, far more than even a skilled athlete. Your Leaping rank, minus your total weight rank (minimum 0), is the distance rank you cover in a single standing jump.

You do not suffer any fall damage (whether you were jumping or not) which is within your maximum Leaping distance. An average human has a weight rank of 2. If your weight rank is negative then it is considered 0 instead. Note that your total weight rank includes what you are carrying so you can use ranks of Leaping to carry things that your Strength wouldn't normally allow.

The speed rank of your leap maxes out at 6, so leaps of greater than distance rank 6 take time equal to the distance rank minus 6. For example, a massive leap of distance rank 16 takes time rank 10 (16 - 6, or two hours) of time in the air! Because of this, leapers may choose to make shorter "hops", leaving them airborne for only a minute or so, to better control their direction.


Affects Others: You can give someone you are touching the ability to leap like you do while the effect lasts. You do not need this extra to simply carry someone while you leap; you can carry what your Strength normally allows. This allows the character you are affecting to also carry what that character's strength allows. +0 or +1 cost per rank.


Full Power: With this flaw, you can only leap your maximum distance; you can make shorter leaps only by not using your Leaping effect at all, just the normal jumping distance for your Strength. This may suit uncontrollable "leaping" effects like rocket boosters and the like. Flat -1 point.