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Move Object

Type: Control • Action: Standard • Range: Ranged • Duration: Sustained • Cost: 2 points per rank

You can move objects at a distance without touching them. Move Object has no action/reaction; a moving object cannot drag the character "holding on" to it, for example. This effect is also not considered "physical contact" or "touch" for effects requiring it.

Your effective Strength for lifting and moving objects with this effect is equal to your rank. By taking a move action to concentrate you can increase this by +1 Str, changing the effect's duration to Concentration (see Duration). This is in addition to using extra effort to further increase your rank (see Extra Effort). If the object is relatively weightless such as air, fire, and electricity then instead you can control a volume rank of that object equal to your effect rank.

This effect can move objects, but cannot perform tasks of fine manipulation (like untying knots, typing, or manipulating controls) without the Precise modifier (see extra below). Objects thrown into targets as attacks base their damage off your power rank as if it were your Strength rank. Accuracy is determined by the skill Ranged Combat: Throwing (Dex) which is independent from your power rank (although the modifier Accurate can still be used).

Move Object cannot inflict damage directly; you can't "punch" or "crush" objects with it (for that see the Damaging extra below). You cannot move yourself with this power because that would be Flight (see Rule of Exclusive Purpose and the Flying extra below). You can use it to make disarm, grab, and trip attacks. See Gameplay Rules for details.


Continuous: Move Object generally cannot have a continuous duration, since it is an active effect and requires at least a modicum of attention to maintain. The GM may allow Continuous Move Object as a variation that is not disrupted when you are unable to maintain it, but that still requires your conscious attention to do anything other than have the affected object hang in midair. +1 cost per rank.

Damaging: Your effect can inflict damage, like an application of normal Strength with damage equal to its rank. This includes damaging targets in grabs and making ranged "strike" attacks. +1 cost per rank.

Flying: You can now lift yourself or others with Move Object. This functions just like the Flight power with the Platform flaw (see page for more details). Your effective Flight rank is equal to your Move Object rank minus 2 which means that your speed is equal to your effective Strength minus your total weight rank. Move Object with this extra allows you to lift people but still has no other action/reaction. Flat +1 point.

Precise: Move Object with this modifier can be used for tasks involving fine manipulation. Flat +1 point.

Subtle: The default version of Move Object involves some noticeable manifestation like a "tractor beam," a glow around your head or hands (along with a corresponding glow around the affected object), big glowing hands, blazing "energy talons," a lasso, whip, or the like. Apply the Subtle modifier for a less noticeable Move Object effect, such as invisible "psychokinesis" (which is generally also Perception Range). Flat +1 point per application.


Close: Since Move Object works on things at a distance by definition, it cannot generally be reduced to close ranged. At the GM's discretion, a Close Ranged Move Object effect may represent "tactile telekinesis" or a supernatural influence over objects you are able to touch, but such things are usually better represented by the Super-Strength effect. -1 cost per rank.

Concentration: Concentration Move Object requires more attention to maintain. You cannot concentrate to increase your lifting capacity or to grab or move another object while you are still "holding" your first. -1 cost per rank.

Limited Direction: You can only move objects in a particular direction or path, such as only up and down (towards and away from the ground), only directly towards or away from you (attraction and repulsion), and so forth. This is useful for "gravitic" or "magnetic" versions of the effect. -1 cost per rank.

Limited Material: You can only move a particular type of object or material, such as only metals, plants, rock, water, and so forth. The GM may allow a second application for a particularly limiting type of material, such as only precious metals, leaves, sand, or petroleum. -1 cost per rank