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Effect: FeatureAction: Standard • Range: Personal • Duration: Sustained • Cost: 1 point per rank

You may split yourself into as many people as desired at the cost of sharing points. You may split a maximum number of times equal to your rank in Fission. When you activate this power you remain in place and each of the clones are as close as possible.

The word clone is used for clarity but in actuality all of the created ones and the original are of equal value: they are all controlled by the player and any of them can deactivate Fission. It is not that you are creating clones but more like you can split part of yourself into another body.

Each piece of you must share the same number of character points, HP, and equipment but you do not need to split up points evenly between each character. For example if you have Fission 2 and are power level 10 then one may have 100 character points while the other only has 50 character points, maximum and current HP is both distributed but it still takes -3 HP to die for each of them, and each of yourself has the same equipment cosmetically but for any equipment that has a point cost you must divide it up also. Each of you must have the same traits but at a lower (or equal) rank (such as rank 0).

Each character starts out with 0 abilities unless you share more points. If, before splitting, you have any abilities at negative values or lack entirely then each of the new bodies will also be lacking or have negative values, this is not done to penalize negative numbers but to prevent a single point used to gain a noticeable ability increase. Infinite stamina (only possible via Immunity to Fatigue) on the other hand is distributed like any other 1 rank trait: only 1 body gets it.

If you have a condition when you activate this power then each piece of you will have the condition (this includes being tied up). You may use a group of yourself to attack as a team check, in which case choose which one performs the attack and which ones help.

Upon death that piece will fuse back with every other dead piece into a single dead body which can't fuse with living ones (fuse means to deactivate this power).

As long as this power is active all of the pieces of yourself are subject to minion rules. If you do not have 1 max HP or only 1 character point you are not able to split any further therefore minions can't use this power. This also means that the max rank is 6 (due to 6 max HP).


Attack: Applying the Attack modifier is much more expensive then normal because this power becomes very powerful and is no longer feature-like. +5 cost per rank.


Anatomic: In addition to sharing points you must also share body parts. For example you can separate off your arm and control it as a character but is not all that easy to do since the arm does not have senses (except tactile). Give the body parts Flight or Slither in order to provide mobility to some body parts which would otherwise be immobile: for example heads can't roll on their own. Every part is controlled by the head, they do not bleed out and can exist on their own. This flaw would normally be limiting enough to be -2 cost per rank but it can also prove useful so instead it costs -1 cost per rank. However if this power is an attack this modifier becomes very powerful and instead is an extra of +4 cost per rank. Normal: -1 cost per rank. Attack: +4 cost per rank.