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Effect: Enhanced Initiative, Quickness, Ground Speed • Cost: 3 points per rank

You are fast! Each rank of Super-Speed gives you the effects of Improved Initiative as an Enhanced Trait, Quickness, and Ground Speed, with a ground speed rank equal to your power rank. So with Super-Speed 5, for example, you have +5 to initiative checks (the maximum), can perform routine actions normally requiring two hours in just 4 minutes, and have a ground speed of 60 miles per hour.

Improved Initiative has a maximum rank of 5 but Quickness and Ground Speed have no maximum. So Super-Speed 20 would cost 45 character points for Enhanced Initiative 5, Quickness 20, and Ground Speed 20. If this is too confusing buy the three items separately: they do not need to be together this is simply a package for convenience and to demonstrate what to buy to make a speedster (also see Speedster).

Heroes with Super-Speed often have additional powers based on their speed, particularly things like Air Control (whipping up powerful winds, see Element Control, previously) or modifiers to their Strength Damage like Area or Multiattack to represent the ability to make a rapid series of attacks in a single turn. High (possibly Enhanced) active defenses are also common for characters with Super-Speed.