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Type: Movement • Action: Move • Range: Personal • Duration: Sustained • Cost: 2 points per rank

Under the Hood: Time, Space, And Dimension Travel

The Time, Space, and Dimension Travel effects of Movement are comparatively cheap considering what they do, primarily because such special movement capabilities are highly dependent on the plot and nature of the setting, and subject to a lot of Gamemaster oversight. Thus, they largely amount to supped-up Features, mainly allowing heroes to visit exotic locales.

Temporal mechanics and the effects of time travel are left entirely up to the GM, who may choose to make Time Travel Limited, Uncontrolled, or Unreliable for player characters, or disallow it altogether, treating it solely as a plot-device in the setting.

Space travel in the comic books rarely involves the laws of physics and tends to occur "at the speed of plot". Characters and vehicles (such as alien starships) able to traverse the void of space do so primarily to facilitate adventures out among the stars. Exactly how fast characters travel through the void of space does not really matter; it is how long it takes them to get where they're going that matters. So Space Travel is largely defined in terms of "how far can you go between scenes?" The same is true of the mechanism of travel, whether hyperspace, jump drive, faster-than-light "warp speed," or what have you.

The Gamemaster likewise decides on the existence and nature of other dimensions in the setting, what they are like, and who can reach them. Like Time Travel, the GM may require Dimension Travel be Limited, Uncontrolled, or Unreliable for player characters, or treat it solely as a plot-device rather than a defined effect.

Under the Hood: Stopping

Acceleration and deceleration is assumed to be instantaneous. A character can increase their speed to their max speed from rest. If a character is already moving any speed less than their max they may increase their speed up to their max. A character may decrease their speed by an amount equal to their max speed during his turn. Characters don't take any whiplash from suddenly stopping themselves. If a character is already moving in one direction and they want to be moving in a different direction first come to a complete stop before changing directions, for simplicity. Vehicles are assumed to be able to remain stationary, which is not normally possible for planes.

You have a special form of movement. When taking this power choose one of the following options each must be taken as different powers. Each cost 2 points per rank unless stated otherwise:

Dimension Travel

You can move from one dimension to another. At first rank, you can move between your home dimension and one other. At rank 2 you can move between any of a related group of dimensions (mystical dimensions, alien dimensions, etc). At rank 3 you can travel to any dimension. You can carry additional material up to mass rank 0 with you when you move. If you apply the Increased Mass modifier, you can carry additional mass up to your modifier rank.

Environmental Adaptation

You're adapted to a particular environment, such as underwater, zero gravity, and so forth (see Environmental Hazards for details). You suffer none of the normal unfavorable circumstance or movement penalties associated with that environment, moving and acting normally. You are still affected by environmental hazards like suffocation, exposure, and so forth. You need the Immunity effect to ignore such things.

Ground Speed

You can move faster than normal. This movement type only costs 1 point per rank. You have a ground speed rank equal to your effect rank minus your weight rank (minimum 0) plus 2. This also improves all forms of movement based on ground speed.

An average human has a weight rank of 2 in which case your speed rank is simply equal to your Ground Speed rank. If your weight rank is negative then it is considered 0 instead. Note that your total weight rank includes what you are carrying so you can use ranks of Ground Speed to carry things that your Strength wouldn't normally allow.


This movement type only costs 1 point. You can move while prone at your normal ground speed.

Space Travel

You can travel faster than the speed of light through the vacuum of space (but not in a planetary atmosphere). At rank 1 you can travel to other planets in a solar system. At rank 2, you can travel to other star systems, while at rank 3, you can visit distant star systems, perhaps even other galaxies! The time it takes is equal to Space Travel rank -1 (for longer trips see Flight). This effect does not provide protection from the rigors of outer space (for that, see Immunity effect).


You're better able to deal with obstacles and obstructions to movement. Reduce the speed penalty for moving through or around such obstacles by 1 for each rank of this effect. If you reduce the speed penalty to 0 or less, you are unaffected by that obstacle and move at full normal speed.


You can swim fast. This movement type only costs 1 point per rank. You have a water speed equal to your Swimming rank minus you weight rank, subject to the usual rules for swimming (see the Athletics skill description for details). You can make Swimming (Sta or Str) checks to swim as routine checks. This power does not allow you to breathe underwater (for that see Immunity to Suffocation).

An average human has a weight rank of 2. If your weight rank is negative then it is considered 0 instead. Note that your total weight rank includes what you are carrying so you can use ranks of Swimming to carry things that your Strength wouldn't normally allow.


You can swing through the air at your normal ground speed rank, using a swing-line you provide or available lines and projections (tree limbs, flagpoles, vines, telephone- and powerlines, etc.).

Time Travel

You can move through time! At first rank, you can move between the present and another fixed point in time (such as 100 years into the past, or 1,000 years into the future). At rank 2 you can move to any point in the past or any point in the future (but not both). At rank 3, you can travel to any point in time. Reaching alternate timelines or parallel worlds requires at least 2 ranks of Dimension-Travel. You can carry additional material up to mass rank 0 with you when you time-travel. If you apply the Increased Mass modifier, you can carry additional mass up to your modifier rank. Any changes in the time stream (assuming that is possible) made by you does not affect your memory but any other side affects still apply.


You leave no trail and cannot be tracked using visual senses (although you can still be tracked using scent or other means). You can walk across the surface of soft sand or snow without leaving tracks and you have total concealment from tremorsense (see Concealment). Each additional rank renders you trackless to another sense type.

Wall Crawling

You can climb walls and ceilings at your ground speed rank -1 with no chance of falling and no need for an Athletics check. You are still vulnerable while climbing, however. An additional rank of this effect means you climb at your full speed rank and are not vulnerable while climbing.

Water Walking

You can stand, lie prone, or move at your normal ground speed on the surface of water, quicksand, and other liquids without sinking. Note that if the duration is sustained you will start sinking immediately if incapacitated. At rank 2 you may choose to stay stationary in water at depths other than on top of the surface so that you may choose to remain with only your head above the water without the need for a Swim (Sta) skill check.


Increased Mass: You can carry additional mass with you equal to the number of applications of this extra. For example Increased Mass 3 allows you to carry up to mass rank 3 of extra mass with you when you Time Travel. This can only be applied to Dimension Travel and Time Travel, all other forms of movement use your lifting strength and object weight as normal. +1 flat point per application.