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Type: Movement • Action: Move • Range: Personal • Duration: Sustained • Cost: 1 point per rank

You can pass through solid objects as if they weren't there. You remain solid while using Permeate but the object moves around you (becoming temporarily more dense in certain places) so if you are inside an object when Permeate is deactivated you can't move but, unlike Insubstantial, don't take damage from it. The tunnel you leave behind is either permanent or collapses behind you immediately (your choice when you begin down each new tunnel). Material density is equal to Material toughness for simplicity (see table below).

You move through any material with a speed = Permeate rank + your strength - material toughness - 5 with a maximum of normal movement speed. If you would be moving at a speed of -10 or less you stop moving entirely unable to pass through the material at all. The maximum speed you can move is equal to your effective movement speed if there wasn't any material in the way. For example, If you had Permeate 8, Strength 2, and Flight 4 then Permeate would let you move through soil at speed rank 5 but caps out at your maximum movement speed of 4. While inside an object Permeate effectively provides a Platform Flight but only if you close the tunnels behind you.

You cannot breathe while completely inside a solid object, so you either need Immunity to Suffocation or have to hold your breath. You'll also want Senses that Penetrates Concealment to know where you're going, since you can't normally see inside solid objects.

Permeate provides no protection against attacks, although you do gain cover while inside an object. For the ability to allow things (including attacks) to pass through you, see Insubstantial.

Table: Material Toughness

Material Toughness
Paper 0
Soil 0
Glass 1
Ice 1
Rope 1
Wood 3
Stone 5
Iron 7
Reinforced Concrete 8
Steel 9
Titanium 15
Super-alloys 20+

Free Modifiers

Not Strength Based: Permeate uses the same form as above but replace all references to strength with 0 and attack checks are never required (a power check might be required in certain circumstances) although your speed is still the same. The reason why the default is Strength Based is because it is easier to explain this way. The reason why this is a free modifier is the same reason as strength-based damage: if your strength is hindered so is the effect. +0


Limited: Permeate may be limited to certain circumstances or materials, such as only loose earth, ice, or metal leaving you unable to move through another material even if weaker. -1 cost per rank.