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Summon Object

Type: Control • Action: Standard • Range: Close • Duration: Sustained • Cost: 2 points per rank

You can teleport an object to your current location. You must be familiar with the type of object and can summon either a specific one or any of the same kind. You must have permission from the owner of the object in order to summon it this is to prevent you from stealing objects using this power (although you may reclaim stolen items) and to limit the scope of this power. The GM will decide how to handle object ownership. You do not need to know where the object was in order to summon it but it must be at a maximum distance rank away from you equal to your Summon Object rank +7. You can summon any device whose point total (including the removable flaw) is equal to or less than your summon object rank x 5. You can summon any non-device object that has a mass rank equal to or less than your summon object rank. In order to summon something that no ones owns like a wall of rock use the power Create instead.

Summon And Descriptors

Some effects might seem to be Summon Object, calling up minions to do things for the character, but are actually better treated as descriptors of other effects. Take for example a shaman able to "summon" various spirits to perform magical tasks. By calling on particular spirits of the winds, he can attack a foe with an Affliction that "steals" their breath. Is the "wind spirit" a minion? Technically, no, it's just a personified effect, since it cannot be attacked, interacted with, or do anything other than create the Affliction effect. It can be Nullified, but so can any effect. The same is true of a character summoning a "minion" that acts as a shield, providing Protection but doing nothing else.

Consider carefully whether or not the particular effect a player wants really needs Summon Object, or if the "minion" in question is just a descriptor for another effect, no different than "heat ray" is a descriptor for a Damage effect or "sticky webbing" is a descriptor for a hindering Affliction; in neither case does the character need Summon Heat Ray or Summon Webbing to create the desired powers!


Signature Needed: You can only summon objects that you have placed a signature of some kind on. In this way you can't summon objects that you haven't come into contact with even after getting permission. It is assumed that you have a qualifying signature on everything you own, not having signature on something you own may come up as a complication. Flat -1 point