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Element Control

Effect: Perception Ranged Move Object, Limited to Element • Cost: 2 points per rank

You can control and move a mass of an element like air, earth, or water. Your power's effective Strength equals its rank, which is also the weight rank of the element you can move at once. So Earth Control 11 lets you move up to weight rank 11 of earth and stone, for example.

Element Control is further refined with various Alternate Effects (see Alternate Effects), expanding what you can do with your control. So Earth Control might let you kick up clouds of dust (Area Visual Concealment Attack), build walls and other structures of rock (Continuous Create), tunnel through the ground (Permeate), or fly standing on a chunk of rock (Platform Flight), to name a few. Alternate Effects you do not add to your power as full-fledged modifiers are still available to you as power stunts using extra effort (see Powers Stunts).