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Effect: Power-Lifting, Leaping, Damage (Strength-based) • Cost: 3 points per rank

You are strong! Each rank of Super-Strength gives you the effects of Power-Lifting, Leaping, Damage (Strength-based). So with Super-Strength 10 you can lift and carry rank 10 weight, jump distance rank 8, and can attack with Damage 10 + strength.

Damage is still limited by power level limits so that it has a maximum effective rank, at that point you can still put ranks in Power-Lifting and Leaping which have no maximum. You can buy the three items separately: they do not need to be together this is simply a package for convenience and to demonstrate what to buy to make a powerhouse (also see Powerhouse).

Heroes with Super-Strength often have additional powers based on their strength such as a thunder clap (Ranged Affliction: dazed, stunned, deaf (auditorily unaware)) or a ground strike (see Powerhouse). High stamina, fortitude, and toughness is also common for super strong characters.