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Evolutionary Defense

Effect: Variable Faster Action 3 (Free), see description for required limitation • Cost: 10 points per rank

This Variable can only put ranks into one of the following: Immunity, Enhanced Toughness, and Resistance. Immunity or Resistance can only resist against a specific descriptor that has targeted you before (even if completely resisted). Each of them have a maximum rank up to the rank highest rank that has targeted you before. Enhanced Toughness does not need a limitation and is only limited by rank (and power level limitations). This entire paragraph is only the required limitation of Variable.

So for example if Doomsday (from DC comics) has Continuous Evolutionary Defense 7 (which costs 84 points) and is attacked by Superman's (from DC comics) heat vision which is Perception Damage 5, Heat, Laser. After the initial toughness check Doomsday can immediately use his Evolutionary Defense to gain Resistance 5: Heat and Resistance 5: Laser for a total of 30 points. The next time Superman uses the same attack it is unlikely to succeed! But if Superman then uses Heat Vision 20 it will succeed (Resistance can't roll high enough). However Doomsday can only spend a maximum of 35 points so the best he can do in response is Resistance 11: Heat. (Note that the ranks given are examples and do not estimate the maximum power of Doomsday or Superman.)

You'll notice that this power is expensive. One option is to slow the action down although that would limit the usefulness in combat. The advantage of it being a free action is that you can change your defenses on your turn without interfering with your attacks. Also see the advantage Persistent Information in order to protect the record of what has targeted you.

You can always gain Immunity to natural age (because it is always affecting you). Enhanced Toughness's maximum rank can only be raised by Damage.


Reactive: In order to apply this flaw evolutionary defense must be Personal range with an action of Free. The action type becomes reaction with a condition of being attacked. This power activates after passive defenses and therefore does not affect the current attack. At that time you can put ranks into resisting that attack (up to the attacking rank). You are not required to change your powers when attacked therefore Selective is built in and can't be applied again. Natural age is always considered attacking you so you can gain immunity to that at any time. You can lower the ranks of existing powers when you are attacked or as a free action. You may end the effect as normal. This flaw makes evolutionary defense fairly useless since you can't use it ahead of time and must be attacked to change ranks. Additionally the record is reset whenever the effect is ended. When evolutionary defense is first turned on it will have none of the points spent (except optionally natural age immunity) until you are attacked. -2 cost per rank