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sideBar.js is harmless: it simply generates hyperlinks to major pages. It exists in a single place so that I don't have to update 100+ html pages with relative links whenever I want to change it.

Matter Control

Effect: Create Reduced Range (Close); Transform Any material (Change state), Ignore complexity, rank 6 • Cost: 5 points per rank + 24 points

You can make and shape matter in any way you choose. Each rank of Matter Control gives you a rank of Create and Transform. There's also a flat 24 points to account for Transform starting at rank 6 which allows you to Transform the entire mass you can Create. So Matter Control 5 would give you Create 5 and Transform 11 (both with the modifiers indicated above).

You can buy the items separately: they do not need to be together this is simply a package for convenience and to demonstrate what to buy if you desire this kind of power. Other modifiers to consider are Any form and Edible which are both Transform extras. You can Link together Create and Transform so that you can use both with a single standard action but doing so means that you can only Transform the objects that you are creating (rather than any object). You could make both Create and Transform ranged for 7 points per rank + 36 points. You can also buy Move Object for the ability to move existing matter.