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Effect: FeatureAction: Free • Range: Close • Duration: Instant • Cost: 1 point per rank

You can store anything you carry in a pocket dimension. This does not increase the amount you can carry but keeps your hands free and prevents stealing (since stealing anything from it would require dimension travel, darkvision, and vacuum immunity). The pocket dimension is a vacuum and has all of the same dangers with these differences: there is no radiation and there is no damage from heat. The pocket dimension is also small: its volume rank is equal to the weight it can hold +2. By default it can hold weight rank 1, anything bigger or heavier can't enter the pocket dimension. The pocket dimension follows you even if you are unconscious or use Dimension Travel. This pocket dimension has Earth's gravity or the gravity that is currently affecting you whichever is higher. The space loops around (there are no edges). When you withdraw from it you always get the item you desire. You can only store objects that you are touching and items withdrawn must appear in your hand so that if you don't have an available hand then you can't withdraw any more. For balance reasons you can't use this on living subjects that are not willing, you can't use this to escape ropes etc (by storing them), you can't change its range, and you can't use this to disarm anyone. Also see Move Object and Teleport Attack to move objects closer or further away. Note that if this is made into a bag then anyone can steal from it if they can reach in the bag.


Increased Weight: Your pocket dimension can hold 1 rank more weight and grows 1 rank of volume. This is above your normal carrying capacity which is based on strength. Flat +3 points per application.

Non-hostile Environment: You can store air and temperature in your pocket dimension. By default it is filled with standard Earth air (1 atmosphere pressure) at room temperature (21 degrees Celsius or 70 degrees Fahrenheit). As a free action you can change the air and temperature to match the environment you are currently in. Flat +1 point.