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Type: Movement • Action: Move • Range: Personal • Duration: Instant • Cost: 2 points per rank

You can move instantly from place to place without crossing the distance in between. You can teleport yourself and additional material up to mass rank 0 a distance rank equal to your effect rank as a move action. To increase the mass you can take with you see the modifier Increased Mass. You must be touching anything you wish to take with you, unwilling passengers get a Parry defense check to avoid your unarmed attack to touch them.

You can only teleport to places you can accurately sense or know especially well (in the GM's judgement). See Accurate extra below. You may use extra effort to temporarily gain the use of this extra. If you attempt to teleport to a location that is occupied the teleport will fail unless you are currently Insubstantial enough to be within the object (Permeate is not good enough without a power stunt). Please note that teleport is very forgiving: if it is possible to be located in the same area as the object at the same time then that happens instead of failure (such as standing on top of a table instead of failure).

You retain your relative velocity when you teleport. So if you are falling when you teleport, you are still falling at the same speed when you arrive at your destination. Your orientation, on the other hand, can be changed to anything desired. For example, if you were sitting down when you activated this power you may arrive in a standing up position. In order to change you velocity on arrival see the extra Change Velocity below.

Teleport is meant for use on or around a planet. For things like travelling to distant planets or stars, apply the Space Travel effect of Movement as a "hyperjump" or similar power.


Accurate: You don't need to know or accurately sense your destination to teleport there, just have a general knowledge of where it is, such as "inside the capitol building lobby", "atop the Emerald Tower's roof", or "on the other side of this wall." You can't say "inside my enemy's secret base" if you have no idea where it is. If the destination isn't in your Teleport range, nothing happens. +1 cost per rank.

Change Velocity: You can teleport "at rest" to your destination. Among other things, this means you can teleport out of a fall and suffer no damage. Conversely you can increase your arrival speed to a maximum of 120 miles per hour (speed rank 6) or your Teleport rank whichever is lower. Flat +1 point.

Extended: When using extra effort you can take use the action this power requires twice (two move actions by default) to make an extended teleport instead. This modifier can't be applied to a Teleport that requires a standard action or more since it isn't possible to take the required action twice in a single turn. This extended teleport instead has a distance rank equal to your effect rank +2, this is due to the double move action as +1 and the extra effort as +1. You are still Fatigued due to extra effort. This modifier isn't free due to not requiring a midway point to safely exist between the 2 actions. This counts as moving twice. +1 cost per rank.

Increased Mass: You can carry additional mass with you equal to the number of applications of this extra. For example Increased Mass 3 allows you to carry up a mass rank of 3 with you when you teleport.+1 flat point per application.

Portal: You can open a portal or gateway between two points; the portal is two-way: subjects can come or go. By taking this extra this power changes duration from Instant to Concentration and now represents the duration of the portal. The range changes from Personal to Ranged. Only 1 portal needs to be within the power's range and the distance between the portals is based on your Teleport rank. Both portals are created at the same time with the same action. There can only be 2 portals per teleport effect (use Split for more). Taking this extra requires teleport to have default range and duration although those can be changed after taking this extra. The portal has a diameter of five feet. Anyone stepping through the portal is transported. There is no defense check: the two sides of the portal are treated as though the two points in space were adjacent. This extra does not include Affects Objects so by default objects will move as though the portal didn't exist. +2 cost per rank.

Turnabout: After using Teleport you can take the rest of your turn then teleport back to your starting point in a single turn, so long as the total distance moved doesn't exceed your Teleport range. The action required to come back is a free action and it does count as another movement meaning that if you move after Teleporting you can't teleport back since you've already used your two movements per turn. Flat +1 point.


Into Objects: If you attempt to teleport to a location that is occupied (by an object or person) you will teleport inside that object and take damage according to the Inside Objects section of Insubstantial. Although dangerous this flaw is only worth a flat point due to being easy to avoid. Flat -1 point.

Limited to Extended: You can only make extended teleports. You must have the Extended extra, and this flaw effectively makes it a +0 modifier. -1 cost per rank.

Medium: You require a medium for your teleportation, such as electrical or telephone wires, root structures, waterways, shadows, flames, mirrors, and so forth. You can only teleport from and to locations where your medium exists. -1 cost per rank.