Please enable JavaScript in order to see the generated sidebar. Without it you'll have to use the sitemap in order easily navigate.

sideBar.js is harmless: it simply generates hyperlinks to major pages. It exists in a single place so that I don't have to update 100+ html pages with relative links whenever I want to change it.

Example Features

Below is a table of example feature powers. Also see the feature power for smaller example features.

Table: Example Features

Name Cost Summary
Extra Limbs 1 per rank You have extra manipulative limbs, such as arms, tentacles, or even prehensile hair or a tail.
Find the Path 1 per rank You can find the path to anywhere well known to you.
Fission 1 per rank You may split yourself into as many people as desired at the cost of sharing points.
Hammerspace 1 per rank You can store anything you carry in a pocket dimension.
Ingrained Powers 1 point Your powers are tied to you and not your body (useful for Mind Switch).
Mental Fission 1 per rank This is extreme multitasking: you can give multiple things 100% of your attention because you have multiple minds.
Sudden Stop 1 point You can stop on a dime: going from any speed to completely stopped in a single action.
Trance 1 point Through breathing and bodily control, you can slip into a deep trance.