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Armored robots, humanlike androids, even magically-animated golems or zombies are all examples of constructs, non-biological things capable of acting on their own to one degree or another, carrying out direct commands or preprogrammed instructions, or even possessing independent thought in some cases.

Constructs are more than devices or equipment since they are capable of action on their own (rather than just improving their owner's abilities), constructs are considered characters. You may acquire a construct as a Minion, Sidekick, or via Summon Minion. Upon character creation you may also decide to be a construct since there are some thematic differences from other characters as explained below.

For some examples of constructs see Example Constructs.

Construct Creation

Since constructs are characters they are created exactly like other characters, using the guidelines in Character Creation and are limited as normal by their own power level (which will be lower than your's in the case of a Minion or Sidekick). The rules listed on this page are simply things to note to fit the theme and are not required.

The term "construct" refers to a character that is not biological. By game terms they are considering "living" or "dead" as normal (based on HP) even if role-playing wise a robot or zombie would not be referred to as "alive" in the normal sense. Most constructs therefore have the complication No Natural Healing although this is not required to be considered a construct.


Power effects are often aspects of a construct's makeup or design, such as built-in armor (Protection), weapons (Damage), or sensors (Sense).

Constructs often have Immunities most notably Immunity to fatigue (30 points) in order to continue performing a task indefinitely without tiring, life support (6 points), Immunity to sensory effects (5 points), and Immunity to natural aging (1 point). Constructs might lack certain senses in the form of complications, and may have resistances to certain things.

Due to immunity from effects being unbalanced and the fact that all character start out as human and must buy (or sell) the differences, constructs have many unexpected similarities to humans. Constructs by default are actually more like prosthetics in that they have a similar internal structure so that they are weak to the same poisons and diseases (I know it sucks but that's the best explanation I got). It is possible for a disease or poison to take limited to non-constructs only (assuming that is worth a point). Fortitude for constructs may instead be in the form of an anti-virus program, the requirement for eating may be in the form of requiring a battery recharge, the need for sleep may be in the form of disk formatting (immunities for food and sleep exist). Fatigue effects might be overheating or low battery for those who recharge automatically (without eating) going into a power saving mode either way (Immunity to fatigue exists). Of course looking at a zombie or similar construct makes much more sense for the similarities to humans.

Constructs may be built larger or smaller than a human in which case buy Innate Permanent Growth or Shrinking.


Constructs often have ∞ Stamina via Immunity to fatigue (30 points). If the construct is not a player character then it is possible to be absent certain abilities (and thus have -∞ for those).

If you would like to have a construct without free will then it can be lacking Presence (for 10 points back) however this is not allowed for player characters. Note that this causes the construct to be without loyalty and will obey anyone who asks. For the opposite effect note that Minions and Sidekicks are loyal to you by default. If you would like your construct to only obey you but act as though it had no free will that is done via role-playing (and complications but don't remove Presence).